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Felix and Soobin hung out all day. They had laughing attacks together. And Felix forgot all about Hyunjin. They did so many fun things today, Felix never wanted it to end. Same with Soobin. It's now 9pm and they are halfway through a movie. Snuggled on the sofa when suddenly Soobin feels a head land on his shoulder softly. He looks down and smiles to see a cute little Felix asleep. Such a cute freckled chick. Soobin blushed as he paused the movie, putting the popcorn to the side and picks Felix up bridal style.

He takes him upstairs and into the room. He put Felix in the bed, and then put the covers over him. He kissed Felix on the head as he turned the light off and left, shutting the door behind him and going downstairs. He turns the movie off, tidies the living room up and now all tidy like no one was here. Suddenly the front door opened as he sees Jeongin and Seungmin walk in, holding hands and laughing.

"Soobin? Why are you here?" Jeongin asked.

"Oh. I came to cheer and look after Felix. Where have you guys been?" Soob answered.

"We've been out all day with friends. It was such a fun day." Seungmin said as he smiled and kissed Jeongin on the cheek before heading into the kitchen.

"Great. Also Felix is asleep upstairs" soobin says. Jeongin approaches him as they stand opposite each other.

"Thanks so much bud for caring. You've cheered him up and cared for him while me and Seung were out. Your a great friend." Jeongin smiled. So did soobin.

"Thanks. But...I hope one day me and Felix can be more then friends" soobin sighs as he looks away.

"It's gonna take him more then a while to move on from Hyunjin. You won't get with him that easily. He really really loves Hyunjin. But I mean, you can always try?," Jeongin said. Soobin smiled.

"Your the best" he pats Jeongin on the shoulder "have a good rest. I'm going to go soon" Soobin says as he goes to walk away but Jeongin pulls him back.

"No. Stay. Felix will need someone with him in the morning since me and Seungmin are going out again. Sorry about this. But stay, you can sleep in the sofa?"

"Okay. Anything for Felix"



Seungmin and Jeongin finished dinner as Soobin finished the movie and turned the Tv off. They all said night to each other as Jeongin and Seungmin headed upstairs. Soobin heard the bedroom door shut as he got up. Turning all the lights off and returning into the living room again. He turns the big light off, leaving the little lamp on as he walks to the lamp, turning that off too. Left in complete scary and silent darkness. He goes to the sofa, getting under the blanket and falling asleep.

Soobin dreamt about Felix.


Soobin wakes up as he grabbed his phone from the floor, with tired eyes as he lays on his back, that hurts, and turns his phone on. It's currently 9:30 AM. Is he the only one awake in the house? Probably. He put his phone down as he got up and limped into the kitchen as he sees a note in the table, he goes over and picks it up. Reading it.

Hey soobin!

Me and Seungmin have gone out and you were still sleeping. We have left at 7:30 Am as that's the time now and just wanted to say morning. Or if this is Felix reading it, which probably not because Felix doesn't wake up till later later when he's heartbroken. Or still tired.

Okay. Have a great day.

From : Jeongin

Soobin put the note back down as he just got some ingredients and made pancakes.

Cute boy [Hyunlix / Hyunjin x Felix] Where stories live. Discover now