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Felix slowly woke up. Groaning and moaning. He felt exhausted, dizzy, massive head ache and a bit sick. Like he was about to vomit. How did this even happen? He looked at the clock on the wall, trying to read it through his blurriness. It was currently 11:30 PM. That was real late.

He slowly sat up and leaned against his head board. Vomit taking over his mouth but he kept swallowing it down. He couldn't just jump up and run to the bathroom.

He remembered Hyunjin. And felt a bit sad.

He knew he liked both San and Hyunjin.

But now.

He likes just Hyunjin. And can't get him back. Doesn't know how.

There was a soft quiet knock on his door. Felix wanted to open his mouth but vomit. He had to keep swallowing.

The door clicked open. He looked up to see Jeongin just in his boxers and shirtless. Felix immediately closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he walked over and sat near him. Sitting down on his bed.

Felix slowly nodded and finally. Vomit was all gone.

"You fainted out of no where. And who the hell dropped you off?" Jeongin asked. Worried. A lot. He felt Felix's head with the back of his hand. He felt boiling.

"San dropped me off.."

"What about Hyunjin? Felix. What happened?"

Felix sighed and gulped.

He opened his eyes, only looking at Jeongin's eyes.

"He found out I had a crush on Choi San...he got mad and confessed his love to me and then stormed upstairs. He never came back down for the rest of the day. When it was time to go, San dropped me off." Felix explained.

"B-but.." Felix tried not to cry. He sucked it in.

"I only like San as a best friend now...and...and I love Hyunjin. I love Hyunjin with all my heart. All my love goes to him. I never realised how much I love him till we fell apart. I don't know if he will ever talk to me again and-" Felix broke down. Crying.

Jeongin hugged him as Felix cried loudly into his shoulder. Jeongin rubbing his back and calming him down.

"Listen. I know Hyunjin extremely well. He will come back to you. Trust me" Jeongin said as he smiled at Felix and fixed a bit of his hair.

"For now you should rest. Okay?"

Felix slowly nodded. He wiped his wet face.

"Good night" Jeongin whispered as he stood up and left, shutting the door behind him and returning back to his own room for sleep.

Felix wiped his teary eyes as he grabbed his phone. It was bright. Making his brain burn. But he dealt with it, putting his passcode in and going onto Messages. And onto Hyunjin's contact. It was risky to message him after what happened. His heart was speeding. Beating really fast. He started typing uncontrollably. He tried to stop. But couldn't. Before he could delete it all, it sent. He widened his eyes and his heart beat faster.

Hyunjin. I feel awfully bad and guilty about way earlier today. I didn't mean to make you upset and the true thing is I think I love you too. Hyunjin. Your the best thing that's happened to me. You never fail to put a laugh on my face. Or even just a simple plain smile. Your so cute I just wanna hug you all day and all night. I love your smile it's extremely warming. I want you Hyunjin. Only you. I only like San as just a friend. Plus he has a boyfriend soon to be husband. Wooyoung. Please forgive me Hyun and contact me as soon as you can. I love you.

Felix sighed as he put his phone on the side and went back to sleep.


The next day Felix woke up tiredly and groggily. At least he felt a bit better then yesterday.

He gripped onto his phone, and pulling it in front of his face. Checking the time.

11:09 AM

No new messages. Felix sighed as he put his phone back on his bedside table and sat up.

He threw the covers off him, standing up and leaving. Walking down the long hallway and into the bathroom. He shut the door, locking himself in there as he threw some warm water on him. He brushed his teeth and gelled his hair back. Lovely. He had a quick toilet and returned back into his room.

He shut the door as he speedily got changed into something random.

Some blue jeans and a red T-shirt with white writing saying 'Stay'.

He opened his curtains to see its bright and warm outside, waddling over to his bed he checks his phone. Sighing. No messages.

Knock knock

"Come on!"

The door clicked open, Felix looked round to see a tried Seungmin there. He was wearing a really long grey jumper, which Felix recognised. He then recognised it and remembers. That's Jeongin's. Jeongin's favourite. He would never ever let anyone touch it. Or even see it, it was that special. Which means Seungmin must be a piece of treasure to him. Seungmin wearing no shorts or pants. Just boxers.

"S-Seungmin? D-did you stay the night?"

"Yeah. Oh. Did you not know?"

Felix immediately shook his head.

"Oh. I slept in the bed with Jeongin and we made-"

Suddenly Jeongin snaked his hand round and over Seungmin's mouth. Which means Seungmin couldn't finish his sentence. But Felix knew what the next word was. 'Make out'.

"You MADE OUT? I KNEW YOU LIKED EACH OTHER. but you always denied it" Felix said and laughed evilly afterwards.

"Seungminnnn" Jeongin groaned.



Felix has been watching his favourite show on Netflix for about 2 hours now. He was getting tired so he turned it off and returned upstairs. Grabbing his phone.

The time was 3:15 PM.

He then saw a message and widened his eyes with a big smile. He unlocked his phone and went to messages. To see a whole paragraph written.

He read it carefully and slowly.

Hyunjin ❤️🥟

Lee Yonbok Felix. I love you ever since I laid my eyes on your pretty chocolate eyes. I wanted to kiss you so bad. Or even hug you. But I wanted to make out with you. Your the best thing that happened to me Felix. I really hope you know that without me telling you. Your skin is so soft. While you were sleeping, I couldn't help but stare deeply into you. And kiss your forehead before leaving your amazing decorated room. I crossed my fingers hoping you will be mine. And I hope it has come. I'm busy today since we can't meet, but tomorrow, please meet me at *XXX-XXX* Café. Thank you. I love you. X

Felix felt himself blushing as he replied back quickly.


Is all he replied with before setting his phone down. He then screamed and jumped everywhere in excitement. Then collapsed in his bed, taking deep breaths with a big smile.

How he loves Hyunjin.

Hwang Hyunjin.

Cute boy [Hyunlix / Hyunjin x Felix] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin