(Chapter 1) Arriving at South Park High

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I was a 14 year old kid who just moved from Los Angeles to this wacky town called South Park. I knew very well that people would hate me. I looked like a freckled green eyed brown haired trans female to male clown who just walked out of a Hot Topic and Spencer's at the same time.

"Oh shit!" I yelled as I searched through my bag.

The goth kids stared at me as I yelled, cussing at my bag as I remembered I left my phone on the counter at home.

"Hey new kid." A strange fat boy said staring at me very weirdly.

"What do you want?" I asked waiting for an awnser but never got one.

This cute little blond haired boy wearing a turquoise long sleeved shirt walked up to me and asked. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine just forgot my phone at home." I said and it seemed like he really liked hello kitty because he had like 4000 keychains.

The goths walked over to me probably because I looked like one of them.

The tall one said. "Im Micheal. Would you like to join the goth kids?"

"Ummm." I Said thinking because my girlfriend snake might be in their group.

"No one wants to be in your faggy vamp group!" The fat kid said.

"Yeah. I'd like to join!" I said excitedly.

Snake walked through the front of the school and walked towards me.

"Hey snake!" I said.

"Hey babe." Snake went in for a hug his chains hitting against each other.

"I see your name is Snake. Would you like to join us at lunch as well?"Micheal said.

"Sure. Are you guys goth?" 

"Yeah. Everyone thinks we're those stupid fucking faggy vamp conformist posers." A died highlighted red and black haired boy said.

"Well my name is Elliot if you were wondering." I said.

Micheal said. "This is Henrietta, Firkle, Pete and Stanley marsh was in our group but he went back to banana republic close, he's a stupid conformist as well."

"Well it's nice to meet you guys." 

"You and me look alike." Pete said probably pointing out my red highlight in my hair and my black suit looking outfit.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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