"You barely eat, babe. You need to stay healthy." Jungkook frowned cutely, settling himself on his boyfriend's lap. 

"Whatever you say, my love." Taehyung hummed, kissing his lover's lips gently. 

After eating their delicious meal together, Jungkook spoke up. 

"There's a lot of commotion going on, what's everyone busying themselves with?" Jungkook wondered in a puzzled tone. 

"Don't worry about it, Kookie. I have a promotion ceremony tomorrow, that's why." Taehyung lied. 

Jungkook pouted suddenly. "Does that mean you'll be gone all day tomorrow?" 

Taehyung nodded, brushing his fingers over the younger's cheeks. "I'm sorry, bun." 

"Can't I go with you? Jin and Jimin are going with Namjoon and Yoongi, can't I go with you?" Jungkook pouted more profoundly, his big doe eyes making his boyfriend's heart cave in. 

"I don't know, bunny..." Taehyung hesitated. 

"Pleeeeasee?? I want to see your company building, please?" The younger pleaded. 

Taehyung sighed then nodded slowly. "Fine, you can come with me."

"Yayy! Thank you, Tae!" Jungkook squealed happily, kissing his lover's lips.

Taehyung smiled. "Anything for you, bunny."

And anything he would get for his precious baby, anything at all.

<Time skip: Next Day>

"Mmm...which suit to choose, which..."

"Kooks! Are you ready??" Jimin yelled, entering the couple's shared room closet.

"Yeah, everyone's– Kookie! You're not even out of your nightgown!" Jin gasped. 

"Guys! I know it's bad! I just can't choose what to wear! This is my first time going to my lover's company and I can't decide what to wear!" Jungkook groaned, turning to his best friends, "help me please?" He whined. 

Jin and Jimin grinned at each other. "Oh, we'll help for sure." 

Before Jungkook could blink, he whirled around and his hyungs dressed him according to their tastes. 

Jin smiled, facing the younger one to the big mirror. "How about this one?" 

"Too flashy." Jungkook shook his head at the deep purple outfit he wore. 

Another outfit was tried. 

"This one?" Jimin asked, smirking. 

"Too sexy! This exposes my chest!" Jungkook gasped, his black shirt see-through. 

Both men sighed then tried again. 

"How about this one?" Jimin raised his eyebrows. 

Jungkook finally smiled, running his hands over the smooth black jacket. "Yes, this one is perfect."

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