Chapter 10: Scanbo

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After escaping the prison, the rebels and Vox Machina rushed down the abandoned streets of Whitestone.

Archie looked over to the other rebels and said, "Spread word of our escape. We'll rendezvous in the morning."

With that, the resistance fighters broke off while Archie and Vox Machina continued on. However, as they crossed the courtyard with the Sun Tree, Keyleth stopped and looked at the hanging bodies again. Noticing her distress, Yin doubled back to check on her.

Neither of them said anything at first, but Yin had a vague idea of what she was thinking.

"Hey, don't worry," he placed a hand on Keyleth's shoulder and gave a reassuring smile, "We're gonna be fine."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because we all have each other's backs. And hey, we killed a dragon together!"

Keyleth stared at Yin for a moment before grinning back.

"Thanks, Yin. You've...been a really good friend."

Yin blushed and scratched his neck sheepishly before glanced around and realizing something.

"Uh, we should probably catch up with the others before they notice we're missing or any guards come by."

The two of them picked up the pace and reached the rest of Vox Machina quickly. The group avoided any patrolling guards and giants, and eventually they all made it back to the same basement cellar as before.

After they made it downstairs, Yin noticed Yennen wasn't here anymore. The only people in the cellar was them, so the other resistance fighters must've been at other safe houses.

"Time to start talking, Percival. The fuck happened back there?" Vax demanded angrily. At the sudden change in tone, Yin turned his attention to Vax and Percy who were now arguing.

"I assure you, I'm in control."

"Oh, you were in control when you pointed that at Yin, huh?" Vax pointed out, "I saw your eyes."

"The pepperbox is a potent tool. I-I may have gotten carried away," Percy tried to defend his actions, though he looked away from Vax's death stare in a moment of hesitation. He sat down on a nearby crate, but the rogue didn't back off yet.

"I swear, if you turn that thing on any of us again, I will not hesitate," Vax grabbed Percy by the color as he finished, "I will kill you."

Vax released the nobleman's shirt and stormed away to stand over near the Sun Tree root with his back turned to Percy.

Vex'ahlia spoke up, "Percy, holding that's like you're a different person. What is it?"

Percy sighed and withdrew the pepperbox. He spun the barrels manually as he did in their camp the previous night. Grog gave him a sideways glance from his position next to the man, Keyleth didn't seem to want to look at anyone, and Yin just tapped a nervous little rhythm on his leg with his fingers as he observed the proceedings.

"When we came here, darling, you promised no more lies," Vex pointed out, "You owe us the truth."

Percy was silent for a moment before admitting, "You're right. The creation of the pepperbox begins five years ago."

He stood up as he explained, "With my family murdered, I had no way of striking back. So I did the only thing I could...I fled. I jumped into a River, and I was washed into the ocean...and a new life. I feared the de Rolo name was a death sentence, so once I was ashore, I disappeared.

"My days were doesn't wandering aimlessly, struggling for survival. My nights...filled with fear, blood, and cruel nightmares...unrelenting visions of my family's end that I was sure would drive me to madness. The hatred inside me grew, vengeance burning like black powder. It nearly consumed me.

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