Chapter 1: The Terror of Tal'Dorei, Part 1

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Long ago, in another realm stood the majestic kingdom of Tal'Dorei. Once the battlefield of gods and titans, its lands now harbor magic, wonder and mystery. It was a time of peace...until a great evil arrived. A brave group of heroes banded together, ready to face this evil.


On the rolling greens hills outside of Emon, the capital of Tal'Dorei, a group of adventurers had assembled. The group was led by an old sorcerer, and it was composed of an elven ranger, a human warrior, a dwarves barbarian, and a gnome rogue. As a storm brewed overhead in the night, the group steeled themselves.

"Hold fast," the sorcerer warned, narrowing his eyes, "The beast approaches!"

The wind picked up and the clouds thickened in front of them. A shadow began to move through with a guttural growl. The party drew their weapons, preparing to fight the—


Suddenly, the dwarf was crushed by a massive falling rock, being reduced to red paste with his scream being cut off before it could escape.

"What the fuck?" the human warrior shouted.

The sorcerer raised his catalyst and readied a spell to strike back, declaring, "You shall pay for y—!" until he, too was cut off. In this case it was rather literal as his body was sliced into pieces which fell onto the gnome.

"Holy sh—!" was the gnome's attempt at last words as a tail swung out of the clouds and crushed both him and the his elf ally

The Warrior attempted a last stand, declaring "Humanity will never fall to y—"

Of course, his foolhardy attempt was swiftly ended by a magical attack that left him little more then a skeleton. Then that too turned to dust, drifting off into the wind as the creature roared in triumph.


Well, that was...something.

*sigh* Right, who else have we got?


Meanwhile, in a tavern within the city proper, a drinking competition was taking place. Around the table were a diverse group of people. In the lead was a goliath in a loincloth, battle axe on his back. Next to him were half elf twins: the first a female in blue with a bow and arrows while her brother wore black and had daggers. On his left was a gnome in plate armor with light hair, and by her side was a green clad ginger half elf. They were surrounded by a small crowd of onlookers cheering on the participants, but beyond them was a singular individual holding a glass of wine by the window. He had white hair, glasses, and more formal attire compared to most in the tavern.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" was the chant around the table. Finally, each of the participants slammed their mugs down. The goliath cheered in triumph as he stood up, comparatively sober relative to his friends who were nearly wasted.

"YEAH! That's right! Who's the best?! Yeah!"

"Grog wins! Again," the white haired man stated, completely nonplussed while taking a sip of his wine.

The dagger-wielding half elf sighed and rubbed his temples in pain, "Ugh, fuck me! Why do we always play drinking games with a guy twice our size?"

"Because it the fastest way to get drunk of course," his sister replied. The druid chose that moment to lean forward and interrupt, clearly  out of it already.

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