Chapter 12: Night of the Living Dead

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Sylas and Delilah stood at the balcony of Whitestone Keep, gazing at the sea of undead making its way through the city.

"Hmm, I should be down there fighting," Sylas commented.

"No," Delilah denied as she embraced her husband, "We've not come this far to have our plans spoiled. You are more precious to me than you will ever know. Trust in the Whispered One, for we are his blood."

Sylas simply smirked, and the two of them kissed as the city below was about to be beset by a terror unlike any they'd experienced before.


"Ho-ly shit!" Vax shouted as the undead swarmed towards the group from all angles.

"We may want to get out of here," Vex pointed out the obvious. She and Percy shot at some, but they just kept coming. One lunged at Vax, forcing him to dodge its attacks.

"Aren't these things supposed to be slow?" Vax grunted in effort.

Eventually, he was pinned to the ground by a dogpile of zombies. It seemed like he was about to become undead chow, but a Blast from Yin and a massive gale from Keyleth blew the zombies up and into pieces. As everyone began to run, Vax looked back at the two.

"Come on, let's move!" Grog shouted. Keyleth and Yin brought up the rear, helping Vax up quickly.

"Thanks, Kiki and Blondie," he thanked them.

"I'd make a joke about every nickname you have ending in an "-ee" sound, but you call Pike 'Pickle,'" Yin quipped, making Vax chuckle a little.

A growl from the undead reminded the three of the present danger, and they began to run with everyone else.

"In case I wasn't clear before, undead freak me out!" Scanlan complained, "I mean, why?"

"I mean such a large group made me actually throw up," Yin added, "So...yeah, they do suck."

Suddenly, a zombie jumped and pinned Cassandra to the ground, but she kicked it over her head to get it off and immediately got back up.

Grog took the lead, cleaving through any undead that came his way with ease. They stood no chance against the Barbarian in their somewhat scattered state.

"Everyone! Follow Grog!" Percy called out as they all rushed to keep up with the barbarian.

"Never thought I'd hear someone say that!" Yin replied, following the rest of them.

On the way, Cass picked up a sword from a fallen soldier for later. As they ran down an alley, Keyleth blocked off a large group coming in from the side using vines.

"More of them?!" she asked hysterically.

"How many dead people are in your stupid town, Percy?!" Scanlan complained.

"Where'd they come from, anyway?" Yin wondered fearfully.

"Uh, the ground. That's where all the dead people live!" Grog shared his great knowledge. 

(Thank you Grog, very cool.)

More groaning of the undead was heard in the distance.

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