Chapter 20 The Bet

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            Matty whispered to the leader,"I asked the tree what the girls were up to?I didn't get a response."
     Chance was impressed by what lengths the boy would go to,"we will figure it out, sooner or later, the girls will let down their guard."

            Funday Sunday wasn't its typical day of surf, sand and relaxation. The guys had a plan to separate and conquer, determined to learn the girls true motives.
     Kevin laid nude upon the sand,"take that you flirting shrews, here I am in all my glory."
     Lizy put a blanket down upon the sand beside her fellow nudist,"hi there Kevin, be careful not to sunburn your private parts. By the way you're much larger than I expected."
     Kevin's hands covered his masculine parts,"Lizy you perv get away from me. My private parts are just that, private and none of your business."
     Lizy didn't move a muscle,"if I leave, I couldn't watch you walk away,that would be a sight to see."
     Kevin blushed,"what is the real reason that you and the girls stalk me Lizy?"
     Lizy meekly smiled,"we are all attracted to you sexy man, choose one of us, and the others will leave you alone. Choose me,and I will do a lot more than kiss you."
     Kevin got up running away from Lizy and toward his clothes.
                  Chance was shocked,"Kevin you're telling me that Lizy didn't avoid you being nude."
     Kevin stomped his foot in anger,"Chance your plan was an epic fail,Lizy didn't keep away from my naked body. In fact she was verbally aggressive, I thought she was going to jump my bones. Lizy wanted to do a lot more than kiss me, she said so.
She also said that if I wanted the girls to stop stalking me, I had to choose one of them."
    Chance had a new ploy,"we have to plant a seed of doubt, then sit back and watch the fireworks."

            Ronny whispered into the girl's ear,"don't tell anyone, Page. Kevin is very attracted to you."
Ronny walked away as planned.
     Kyle whispered into Julie's ear,"don't tell anyone Julie, but Kevin thinks you're hot."
     Jake whispered into Amy's ear,"don't tell anyone Amy, but Kevin can't stop talking about how beautiful you are."
     Chance whispered into his cousin's ear,"don't tell anyone Lizy, but Kevin thinks you're the sexiest girl he's ever met."
                 Amy bragged to the girls,"Kevin can't stop talking about how beautiful I am."
     Lizy spoke up,"Kevin thinks that I'm the sexist girl he's ever met."
     Julie interrupted,"Kevin thinks I'm hot"
     Page fumed,"Kevin is attracted to me."
     Amy got into the blue eyed blonde's face,"you take that back Lizy Renolds or I'll slap your face."
     Lizy was nose to nose, with the blue eyed redhead,"Amy Linch you're a liar, I won't take back one word."
     Page stood toe to toe,with the brown eyed brunette,"Julie Beck you're the biggest liar that ever lived."
     Julie looked into the blonds brown eyes"Page Palmer take it back, or you will wish you would have."
             For the next hour, name calling and the word liar occurred often.
     The guys listened to the girls arguing, their plan worked perfectly. If there is one thing that will separate a group of girls, it is gossip.

            The girls barely spoke for the next two weeks, then one day Amy and Lizy tended the chickens. They hugged and cried forgiving each other, more importantly discussing their bet.
        Matty talked to the leader privately," I was in the garden, where I overheard Amy and Lizy, talking about their bet. The girls bet, two months chores not to be done,for whoever became Kevin's girlfriend. They all agreed to cancel the bet, it caused too much drama and hurt feelings."
     Chance patted the boy's back,"congratulations Megel you won our bet."
      Megel shyly spoke,"if you don't mind Chance, I would rather Kevin wins the bet.The girls made him miserable, he needs an ego boost."
     Chance hugged the boy,"being raised like you did, you have more empathy and morals, than anyone I've ever met Megel.I will allow Kevin his victory."
              Just before dark Chance whispered to his friend,"by the way Kevin you won the bet, clever how you determined the girls had a chore bet, on who became your girlfriend."
            Amy was on a rampage,"Kevin just told me, that he won a bet between the guys. He guessed us girls had a bet, to become his girlfriend. Page I just know the guys got us girls arguing. Oh it's on now!"

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