"Hi," I said startled. "You came." I felt flustered, my heart jumping into another level of speed.

Orion looked humored by my statement. "Of course. I said I would." He gave me a bright smile that lit up the entire barn, like our previous conversation had never happened. 

Pulling a chair out of nowhere, he whipped it around and sat down with such speed and grace that I was not aware that he was right next to me until he readjusted his hat. He sat in the chair backwards, making him look more like a silly boy than the disciplined alien adventurer I knew he was.

I looked over at Ashley and Susie to find them openly gawking at Orion. I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly pushed it away. He isn't mine. Besides, who wouldn't stare? He was terribly, tragically, overwhelmingly handsome.

Orion tilted his hat down towards them. "I'm Orion. It's a pleasure to see you again Ashley and to meet you," he nodded at Susie.

They giggled. "This is Susie," I said, trying not to laugh as he looked at them, confused by their reaction. Clearly, he still had a few human lessons to learn. Combusting into giggles was a classic reaction when we came into contact with something that hot. 

"Hi," they replied in unison, not taking their eyes off of him.

I stood. "I'm going to go get something to drink. Want anything?" They didn't hear me.

Orion stood, "No, no let me. What would you like?" he asked me, his black eyes sparkling bright like the stars above.

I could barely get the words out. "Sprite please." He nodded, with a smile. "You ladies want refills?" he asked.

"Coke." Ashley piped up.

"Just water, thanks." Susie smiled. 

Now they want something. I kept myself from rolling my eyes until after Orion was gone. 

"Oh, My Gosh Alina! I had no idea he was sooooo good looking! I didn't even know you met someone!" Susie squealed.

"He's nice. Good choice. You have my hardcore, one HUNDRED perfect blessing. No one can focus in any of the classes he's in." Ashley looked after him with interest. "I'm surprised anyone's passing."

I laughed, turning red. "Come on, he works at our ranch and is getting used to everything. Don't scare him away. And DON'T STARE!" I hissed as their eyes gravitated back to him. 

"But seriously. You like him! Are you guys going out or what?" Ashley asked. "You went on a date and you two have had some serious chemistry in class. It's nuts!"

"YOU'VE GONE ON A DATE?!?! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!?" Susie scolded.

I shook my head. "No, no, no. It's nothing like that. I like him but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me. He's just passing through." The last sentence was more for me than them. I needed to remember that I couldn't keep him. No matter how much I really want to.

"Oh come on Alina. Who wouldn't like you? You just have to let him know that you're interested," Susie said.

I sighed, staring down at the checkered table. "I can't. He isn't here for very long. I don't want to go through a messy romance just to find myself alone again."

"Here's your sprite, your coke, and water." Orion said, coming up behind us and gracefully putting down our drinks, silencing our conversation. Susie and Ashley started to glance between Orion and me, their expressions expectant, like they were waiting for their favorite romance show to get interesting. 

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