Part 11-bye spoil brat-

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Charlie pov

After violet got turned into a big blueberry and the Oompa Loompas great singing and dancing it looks so much fun. Everyone is fowling willy to the next room.

Mr. Salt " where are we going now Wonka"

Willy " to the nut room"

Mr. Salt " you should know that I'm in the nut business"

Mr. Salt gave a business card to willy

Willy threw the business card away

Willy "  ok let's keep going"

Willy opened up the door

Willy opened up the door

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Mr. Salt" squares, why not the Oompa Loompas to get the shells off"

Willy " because they are much quicker and more efficient, much more cuter to look at"

Willy " see lock at that one it's testing if its a bad nut, it seems like it is "

Charlie" wow that was so cool "

Veruca " Daddy I want a pet squirrel"

Mr. salt " you have marvelous pet's at home"

Veruca " all I have at home is one pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a green parrot, a turtle and a very old hamster I want a squirrel'

Mr. Salt " ok, Darling I will get you one after the tour is done"

Veruca " but I want one now and trend "

Mr. Salt " ok, Mr. Wonka how much for one of those squirrel"

Willy " oh they are not for sale"

Veruca " Daddy "

Willy " I'm sorry Darling Mr. Wonka is being unreasonable"

Charlie whispers to willy " such a spoiled brat"

Willy chuckles at what Charlie had said

Veruca " if  you can't get me one then I will get one myself "

Veruca went under the gates and down the stairs to where all the squirrels and started to look around and try to find the best squirrel

willy Wonka x Charley HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now