Part 3 Second ticket

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Charlie pov

When I woke up this morning and made breakfast for me and Sally, then I went to wake up Sally and we listened on The radio to see if they found another golden Ticket and gest what Thay did.

Charlie " do you still want to lesen to the news"

Sally " yes I want to now who won the second ticket"

Charlie " ok let's listen, and also eat your fruits Sally"

Sally " ok"

Radio live

News report " it's just in the second golden Ticket has been found by Veruca Salt"

News report" how do you spell veruca"

Veruca " V-E-R-U-C-A Veruca salt"

News report "how did you find the golden Ticket veruca"

Mr. Salt " when veruca side she wanted a golden Ticket I bought all the Wonka bars I could get my hand on"

-Flash Back-

Mr. Salt" from now on lady's you will be shedding all These Wonka bars instead of peanut shells"

Mr. Salt" it took 2 whole days to find the ticket"

Veruca " Daddy I want another pony"

-End of Flash Back-

radio live Ending

Charlie " well now there are only three tickets left I hope I can find one soon"

Sally " well that's cheating for finding the ticket hand to have people find it for them"

Charlie" yay, but that is life, nothing is really fair now is it.

Sally " yay, I guess you're right"

Slenderman " I'm going to be gone for a while ok"

Charlie and Sally " ok father"

Slenderman left

Charlie " ok what should we do"

Sally " we should paint a picture for Dad"

Charlie " ok let's get started"

Willy pov

That's good Veruca Salt found her ticket, she cheated on finding it but it doesn't matter as long as she gets it and all.

Now there are 3 to go well more of 2 more tickets I'm going to make sure that Charlie is going to get that last ticket get to Charlie in time, what was that noise.

Slenderman appeared

Slenderman " hello Mr. Wonka"

Willy " Uh Hello who are you"

Slenderman " how rude of me, my name is Slenderman"

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