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The feeling was foreign for the always cold He Chang. He never cared for anyone, nor did he want to care.

Biting his lips as to stop himself from standing up and walking away, he turned towards the night sky.

'I won't be surprised if snow falls tonight. It's not winter yet but it is almost. We're near the northern regions too, you should go in and rest lest you catch a cold tomorrow.'

He Chang pulled his grip away and stood up, he was planning to leave when two arms wrapped themselves around his waist, rendering him motionless.

'Chang'ge! I know it is wrong and I know you will not like it but can I please kiss you? This will be my first and last. I won't bother you anymore from now on and I certainly will not chase after you.'

He Chang listened to the speech with a neutral face. He turned around and pulled the sticky arms from his body.

'This is impossbl-...'

The prince did not want to hear anything from He Chang. He pressed his trembling red lips onto the cold ones belonging to the person he loved most.

The feeling was so wonderful, he did not want to let go at all. It felt as if time slowed down, not a single noise could penetrate into his ears at the moment. It was as if the world has only them, for a second it felt too magical that Xiang Ning thought it was just one of his stupid dreams.

He Chang could've easily pushed the small body away but an unknown force is stopping him from doing so. He didn't know what it was but he did not have the strength to lift his arms and push the little man away.

He could only stand and feel the soft lips on his. The feeling for him was weird and uncomfortable. After all, this is not the person that he love.

After a few seconds later, Xiang Ning pulled away slowly. Blinking, he let out a beautiful yet sad smile.

'I think we should go rest.' He whispered quietly and walked towards the cave obediently, not saying anything anymore.


The morning after felt like another normal day. Except for the fact that the temperature is actually lower than yesterday.

Xiang Ning did not say much to He Chang and He Chang also did not mention anything. Until this moment, the prince actually regretted his actions last night. He was too rash and reckless.

What he did will permanently alter his and He Chang's relationship forever. If the man did not like him before, he probably loathes him now.

Anyway, what done is done. The worse case scenario is that they will not be able to talk comfortably anymore. So what? It's fine by him. At least now he is sure that he'll have no chance with the other. Although it feels impossible, maybe with the truth slapped into his face like this, it could be easier to move on.

He Chang led Xiang Ning back towards the road where they escaped from. At the moment, there are still corpses littered on the road. However, the crown prince is already back with the remaining surviving guards.

The crown prince, still looking as handsome as ever with his tall and fit physique, noticed Xiang Ning presence. He held up his hand which shut up one of his subordinates whom is talking non-stop about something.

He walked over towards Xiang Ning. His silver mask which is usually so perfectly clean and shiny, actually has dried blood stain on it.

'Prince Xiang. How are you?' Asked the crown prince.

'I'm fine, thank you your highness.' Muttered Xiang Ning while avoiding eyes contacts.

The crown prince took a step closer and lifted his hand. This action made He Chang grip the hilt of the sword tighter and bit down on his jaws.

He was about to push that hand away when the crown prince pulled his hand away after wiping something off his lips.

Xiang Ning blushed red in an instant, he quickly rubbed his chin and mouth with the hem of his robe roughly. This left a patch of red on his white skin. His actions were haste and messy, not elegant like how a prince should be at all.

The crown prince of Da Dong arched his lips into a smile and let out a low chuckle.

'Considering the fact that your carriage is destroyed and how I rudely barged into your pavilion causing a ruckus, how about prince Xiang journey with me for the rest of our ride?' Offered the crown prince.

'Oh, I would not dare to disturb your highness and his majesty.'

'His majesty is already setting out for Da Dong for his safety. However, the lantern festival is something a royal must attend. It is inevitable for me. If prince Xiang wishes to return, then I will prepare some of my specially trained guards to accompany you back.'

Xiang Ning was at a lost for words. Why is the crown prince being so nice to him? This is absurd. His cheeks are slowly getting hotter as the seconds passes. No one has ever been this nice to him except Lan and his sister.

He actually felt a bit shy at the kindness of a stranger.

'Bothering your highness, the crown prince, would not be ethical. His highness can ride with me on my horse. Thanking your highness for your kind offer.'

Xiang Ning did not make a decision yet when He Chang's voice interrupted. Not processing the situation at hand fully yet, his hand was pulled by a much larger and stronger hand.

One second passed and he's sitting on a horse with He Chang sitting behind him.

As the parade continued, He Chang's horse slowly walked along.

'How are you so gullible?'

Hot breath sprayed all over Xiang Ning's neck. He Chang is holding onto the reign which means his thin body is technically enveloped by He Chang.

Not understanding what He Chang meant, he replied steadily in a questioning manner. 'What do you mean..?'

He Chang pulled the reign harshly. The handsome black horse lifted its front hooves off the ground and came to a stop. Because they are trailing the parade with He Chang purposely making the horse go slower than the parade, they are further away. The loud neighing of the horse did not alert the guards in front of them.

Xiang Ning was scared stiff. His body which did not have any balance to begin with fell backwards, straight onto the solid chest behind him. His two hands trembling gripped on He Chang's both arms tightly.

Slowly opening his eyes, he turned his line of sight to look at He Chang in disbelief. Why did he suddenly stop the horse so violently like that?

'What do I mean? Who knows what kind of intention he has? You could be his target and you are still walking straight into the trap like a dumb prey. That guy was the one who asked for Ruo An's betrothal. Such a slick person is of no good.' Said He Chang, with squinted eyes.

Xiang Ning loosened his grip and sat back up. Keeping some distance away from himself and the man behind him. Of course, it is somehow related to his sister again.

'I understand.' Whispered Xiang Ning, his head lowered.

To Be Continued...

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