😜While shepherds watch their flocks by night... (Amelia Shepherd)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sucking my blood out. It would be easier if we had leeches. Do you have leeches? I need to get my blood out."

"What?" She looks at you, concerned.

You start crying.

"IM POISONED" you scream.

She starts chuckling.


"Ok, ok. I'm not laughing." She smirks. "You're normally so quiet, I didn't even know you had it in you to scream at me!" She mocks you.

"Stop making fun of me!!" You're sobbing.

"Hey, hey! You're not dying. You've not been poisoned. I think I know what's happened. Did you take a cookie out of the tin?" She asks you calmly.

You look up at her, tears streaming down your face. She sits down on the patient bed next to you and puts her arm around your shoulder. She rubs your arm and takes the needle out of your hand.

"Those cookies had weed in them." She states bluntly.

"Dr Robbins drugged me?!!!" You ask, astonished.

Just as you said that, Dr Robbins walked in.

"YOU DRUGGED ME???" You scream at her.

"N-no!! Well... not intentionally!! I swear I didn't know- Wait. I thought you were meant to be quiet?" She laughs.

"WHY IS EVERYONE LAUGHING AT ME???!!" you start crying again and bury your head into Shepherd's chest. She rubs your back.

"No, no!!! I'm not laughing at you!!" Arizona says, calmly. She sits on the other side of you and strokes your hair. "I'm sorry." She said.

"For drugging me or for laughing at me?" You say sarcastically.

Amelia and Arizona exchange a look behind your back. A look as if to say 'who is this girl? What happened to that shy little ghost?'

Arizona then leaves saying she has to go and find Pierce, Karev and Deluca because they ran off from her.

While Shepherd is putting away the needles and first aid kit, you decided you were going to take a walk around the hospital. As you're about to leave you hear Shepherd call after you.

"Y/n! Where'd you think you're going missy?"

You decide to make a run for it.

"Hey! Y/n stop it!!" She calls after you.

She's chasing you but you're faster. You're giggling like a child as you run laps around the hospital. Then you stop abruptly.

"Wait." You say. "Shepherd!" You call out.

She wasn't that far behind you.

"Oh thank god you've stopped!" She gasps for breath.

"Shepherd! I had the best idea!! Do you want to get matching tattoos? I could have the left side of the brain and you could have the right. Unless you want the left. But I want the left. We could both have the left. If you really wanted. But don't be difficult. Hey! We could do each others!! Let's go and get some of the needles out of the supply closet - I have ink in my pen-" you pull the pen out of your pocket but you dropped it. It fell to the floor.

Your lip starts to tremble and Amelia is just staring at you, stunned. She had no idea where to even start.

"Amelia..." you've never called her by her first name so she thought this was about to be serious.

"Amelia... did I kill him?" You say fighting tears.

"What? Kill who?"

You pointed down to the pen on the floor, the lid had come off.

"I've broken him haven't I?" You were very upset.

"No, no! We can fix him. We're superheroes, remember? Please don't cry again." She pats you on the back.

You picked the pen up carefully and handed it to Amelia. Your hands were shaking.

"Please fix him!!!" You're sobbing. You felt so guilty that you hurt this pen.

"Ok, come on let's take him to a patient room." She puts her hand behind your back and leads you into the nearest empty room.

"We need to shock him!" You blurt out and reach for the defibrillator.

"No! No we don't. Let's try manual CPR first! Ok?" Amelia tells you to put the defibrillator back or someone could get seriously hurt.

You start doing CPR on the pen.

"He's in V-tach. Sinus rhythm. Push 0.5 of epi!" You start saying. What you were saying didn't make sense - neither did giving CPR to a pen.

Amelia pushes you to the side.

"Just gonna stabilise his neck... ok?" She puts the lid back on the pen.

"Is he going to be ok?" You sniffle.

"He should make a full recovery." She smiles at you.

She then takes you by the hand and up to the gallery. She couldn't risk you running off again. You're watching the surgery and she's watching you. You start commentating on the surgery like it's a football game. She laughs at you.

"His intestine looks like a long marshmallow. It looks delicious." You say.

You make several random comments like that. Each time Amelia smiles at you fondly.

The other Dr Shepherd walks into the gallery.

"Amy, Meredith asked if you're stopping for dinner tonight?"

"Nah Derek, watching my intern. She had one of the cookies and performed CPR on a pen..."

"Oh, I see. Is that the one that follows you everywhere? Like a shee- "

"SHEEP!!!" You squeal excitedly. "Ha! That's funny. You're both shepherds and you're watching a sheep!!!!"

"I thought she was meant to be the quiet one?"  Derek chuckled.

"Yeah me too!" Amelia sighs.

The surgery was a long surgery. About half way through you fell asleep. You rested your head on Amelia's shoulder and started snoring softly. They were cute snores but you still snore. Amelia takes off her white jacket and uses it as a blanket for you.

When the surgery had finished she left you in there to sleep. She didn't want to embarrass you when you woke up because you'd probably be sober by that point.

Amelia knew you'd come and find her though. After all, you had to give back her jacket. And check up on the pen's progress.

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1622 words.
There's probably typos I only ever get the motivation to write these at night so I'm always tired.

Greys anatomy (& Private Practice) women x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now