A Decision To Be Taken!

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Valentine's day was near when Jey thought it's time to do something for Tae and Jungkook for clearing their shits. He thought a lot and finally came up with the idea that he will take Taehyung to somewhere unknown and call Jungkook too. Taehyung will not know where he is and won't be running away, rather he will have to face Jungkook there. Jey knows there will be a lot of arguments, fighting, crying messes but ultimately, they will fix their problem somehow because he has firm belief in Jungkook.

So he called Jungkook and told him about his plan for the secret meetup. Jungkook got really nervous but Jimin and Yoongi cheered him up after hearing the plan from Jey. They started to make preparations for the whole taekook drama. On the other hand, Jey asked Tae to take a 2 day break from his job because he wanted to show him something. Taehyung was confused but managed a break from his flower shop.

Oh! Taehyung now owns a flower shop in Boston which was his dream forever. Though it was a small shop, a huge sale takes place everyday because of Tae's sweet behavior and how beautiful he is as a florist. He also sells online which is Jey's part of work. In short, Taehyung and Jey are now business partners.

A lot of peculiar incidents take place everyday at his shop. Tae gets flowers from his customers almost everyday because they find him too attractive to ignore. Once Tae was wearing a red oversized shirt with black tight jeans and that day he got around 20 date proposals from his customers. After all, people can't ignore so much sexiness in a man. Another incident that Tae is still confused happened to one night when Tae was about to close the shop, a man fully covered in black dress, hat, mask and sunglasses came to his shop and pretended that he was a mute person. Tae felt sad and tried his best to help him when the man asked for all the red roses that were present at the shop. Taehyung was shocked but he arranged all the red roses. There were about 200 of them and he packed them in a bouquet. After the man paid and left the place, Taehyung closed his shop and went home. The next day he found that exact bouquet at his front door with a letter in it. Tae felt anxious but he opened the letter where it was written,

"The closer you are, the shorter the letters."

Tae didn't understand but he felt something which he shouldn't feel. He knew who it could be. But for his love of red roses, he didn't throw them away, rather took them to his shop and kept them on his desk inside. Taehyung felt really exhausted, and Jey's offer for 2 days vacation was a much needed thing for him. So without any thoughts, he accepted the offer.

Two days before Valentine's day, Jey took him to a beautiful island with a small cottage there. It was so beautiful that Tae couldn't take his eyes off it. He kept on jumping and thanking Jey for bringing him to this beautiful place.

His silliness made Jey laugh but he was nervous deep inside as to what will be Tae's reaction after what he has planned to do. The most negative thought that came to Jey's mind was Tae might break his friendship with him. But he knows he can make it up later on. Right now, his only plan was to get Tae and Jungkook together.

There was another cottage a bit far from Tae's one where Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin were staying. Jungkook felt like a third wheel in between Yoonmin who were glued together 24/7 after coming here, either kissing, or hugging or cuddling or even having sex anywhere.

Last midnight, Jungkook felt too thirsty so he came down to take a bottle of water from the fridge. As he opened the door of the fridge, took the bottle out and was about to drink the water moving a bit back, the light of the fridge directly fall on Jimin's cute hot ass and Jungkook splashed out all the water from his mouth as he got scared.

"Wtf Kook! Why are you here at this time?" Jimin shouted without even being embarrassed that he was half naked and Jungkook just saw his butt and dick that was inside Yoongi.

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