Zane goes down the rope first and, after a few more moments of stabilizing my breathing, I follow after. I plant my feet on some kind of table and see Zane looking at some drawings on the walls. "Huh. Didn't momma snake ever tell them to not draw on the wall?" I ask rhetorically. "These images describe a legend about one tribe uniting them all." Zane says as I walk up and a stand next to him. "Those snakes have been at war with each other for centuries." I state. "Well, it says here once they unite they can find the four Silver Fang Blades that will unleash the Great Devour. An evil that will consume all of the land, turning day into night." Zane translates.

"You get all that from those little pictures?" I ask him. Seriously. How? "This gives me deep concern. If Pythor's not here and unites all the tribes together before Kai, (Y/N), and Jay find him," "Relax, Zane. They're a bunch of dumb snakes that believe in fairytales." I assure him. "If anything, we got all the-" I feel a rumble beneath my feet. "Did you feel that?" I look down at the ground, having felt some movement beneath us. "What?" I feel the vibrations under my feet, "There's something in the ground. Don't move." I order quietly.

We wait. Then something pops up from behind and I look back to see a serpentine, I jump to avoid its tail but Zane gets caught. "I've been waiting for you. Pythor sendsss his regardss." It is black with spikes on its head, and is ugly. "Did you stay behind just to tells us that? Pathetic." Zane says. "Looks who's calling who pathetic, Pinky." Alright, that's it! "Only I call him Pinky." I declare, equipping my scythe. I jump and slam it down onto the ground. The snake lets Zane go but then goes underground. We have to get out of here. "Zane, go for the rope!" I order. I follow but then I get dragged down. "Auuugh-Oof!" I get thrown out and land on my back. Ow. "Augh!" Alright. Now I'm mad!

I see the snake burrowing towards me and I crawl back but then I stand up and bring out the Sacred Flute. I pull up my mask and start playing. It works and the snake pops up screaming in pain, "U-Agh!" Darn it, he's got me wrapped up. He squeezes me painfully, "Zane. Zane." I try calling out but the snake grip tightens and I drop the flute.

Things got blurry and I don't know what happened but next thing I know, I'm free. I see my scythe, grab it, "Wrap your head around this!" And swing it at the annoying snake. He gets hit and is knocked down. "Ah. Good one." Zane says. "Thanks." I reply, both of us still catching our breath after that tight squeeze. "But if he was expecting us, I think (Y/N), Kai, and Jay are walking into a trap. Come on, let's get out of here." I state. We climb up the rope to get out of this crazy place. I hope we make it in time. (Y/N) powers should detect them so they would be fine, right? Right?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I ride with Kai as he, Jay, and I make it to the Toxic Bogs. Let me tell you, it is rancid. I mean, it's called the 'Toxic' Bogs for a reason. I hold onto Kai as he speeds up and we get some air. He and Jay make their vehicles disappear as we all land on our feet, reaching our destination. I have to admit, this place can make anyone feel noxious. "Ew!" I hear Jay. "Hey, it's not me. We're in the Toxic Bogs." Kai defends. I look at the two. "And it's called toxic for a reason. Observe." I state, grabbing a nearby stick and dipping it into the green water. I pull it out to see the part dipped in is now gone and show to the boys. "Yeah. This stuff will eat through you worse than Cole's chili." Kai remarks. I shiver at the memory. Yeah.... Cole is nice, but his cooking..... Nope.

"Best to travel through the trees. Remember, this stuff is basically acid so be careful." I advise. We jump into the trees and make our way to the tomb. We do some swinging, that was fun, and land right in front of the tomb's entrance. Jay walks up to it and opens the door, but some disgusting gas blew in our faces. "P-yew." Jay says, disgusted by the stuff. It then echoed throughout the tomb. Jay laughs but Kai sighs, unimpressed. "Let's just make this quick before Pythor gets here." He states. Jay and I look into the tomb, "This place looks empty. We must have just missed them. Check this out." Jay says then looks into the tomb again, "They say you're the Green Ninja, but I say I am." He says and it echoes off the walls. I playfully roll my eyes, "I am!"

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