Bad stands slightly back, motioning for me to talk. 

I know what he means, I need to get better at doing this on my own in case the two of us ever get seperated. There's also the fact that most new souls are scared off by the demon. Even though Bad is quite honestly has the sweetest, most amazing personality of anyone. 

I approach the man, noticing that he looks completely content. He looks ready for what's coming. 

He looks up at me, "Hello, angel." 

"Call me Skeppy." My smile is wide and gentle. "You're going to have an amazing afterlife." 

"Was I a good person?" He seems dazed.

"Absolutely. Your wife is waiting for you in heaven. Are you ready?"

He nods, smiling. 

I lower myself onto the clouds beside him, holding out both my hands. "Take my hands and close your eyes."

He reaches out, fingers clasping mine. He's shaking, but I would guess it's more from anticipation than fear. 

As his eyes flutter shut, the fog closes in, enveloping us in the greyish mist. It acts as a sleeping gas to the man, but I'm immune to the effects, watching as he seems to turn to dust and drift away. 

I don't usually close my eyes during the process anymore, having gotten better at my concentration. 

Once he's fully gone, I stand up and make my way towards Bad. 

"How'd I do?" 

Bad lifts me into the air, giggling and spinning me around. "You did great! That was really good, I'm proud of you!"

"Really? He seemed easy though, I don't know if I did as amazing as you say." 

"Skeppy, you really need to stop underestimating yourself. C'mon, you can always get more practice, but that was really good." 

"Thanks Bad, I still just wish people would see past the fact that you're a demon." I ruffle his hair, "You're the biggest softie ever." 

Bad scoffs, "I am not a softie! I'm hardcore!" 

"Yeah, okay, sure." I roll my eyes, fluttering up towards some of the higher clouds. 

He paces back and forth below me, glaring up. "S'geppyyyyyyy!" 

"What, you ping spoofer?" I giggle, watching his expression change between emotions.

"P- ping sp- Oh my goodness, what is wrong with you?" 

"I dunno."

Knowing it'll scare Bad, I lean back off my perch, allowing myself to free fall at least twenty feet. Even if I wasn't an angel, it's quite safe, considering the landing is on more clouds. 

Bad seems to forget this as he shrieks, rushing to my spot on the ground. "Oh my goodness, are you ok?" He runs clawed fingers over my face, sides, stomach, as if checking for cracks. 

I pull him down to lay next to me. "I'm fine, Badboynoob. Aw, were you worried about me?" 

"Not at all." He turns away from me grumbling. 

It's moments like these that make me really appreciate Bad, just meaningless fun and teasing between us, stupid stuff to fill the empty hours. 

The simplicity of it all makes me happy, the fact that we barely know each other, yet it's like we've spent years together. 

I definitely don't say this enough. 

Wrapping my wings around Bad, I scoot closer to him. 

"You make me really happy, y'know. I mean, it must take a lot for me to actually look forward to going to work every day. I just wanted to make sure you know how much I care about you." 

Loved You In Another Life // A Skephalo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now