hints to subplots

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To new readers, welcome! To readers who have been with me since the beginning, hello again!

Jess here!

I just got a result from an award I participated recently. It struck me that some of readers might not grasp some things and concept in this story.

It makes me regretting unpublishing the old chapters. But anw, I'm holding back 🥲💪. I must edit them to make them better.

For new readers information, back when this story was still "Oh! My Shy Boss," I dropped some hints for readers to theorize. I was trying hard to make this like ain't some cliché rom-com. Not sure if I keep in a good track 😬.

All the characters and subplots involved in this story play roles in many terms such as character developments, surrounding's awareness, and subplots.

Once you settle theorizing the hints and got your answers when we reach what are supposed to answer, i hope all of your confusions settle.

If there are still confusions, please don't hesitate to ask. Don't be shy to drop your theories too 👀
A shout out to Lajibononoarmy for her theory! She shared her theory during OMSB era. I'm sorry I had to take down the old chapters, buddy 🥲...

I won't be updating as much as I used to, since life gets busier hurhurhur... So before it's too late, i repost the hints to the subplots here!


※ hint 1 – there's a hidden couple in BeJiwoo and one of the staff isn't having it.

※ hint 2 – Seokjin or Yoongi has a crush on (one of the women casts).

※ hint 3 – someone whose name has "ㄴ" used to date Seokjin's sister.

※ hint 4 – Shinhye's family conflict. Jiah to the rescue. (You can theorize what happens here)

※ hint 5 – one of the BeJiwoo staff will resign and their reason is?

※ hint 6 – LGBTQ+


So far, I've written almost forty chapters. I choose to not publish it sooner since there are parts I need to edit and make them easy to understand. My main focus now has shift into something that isn't fanfic, but that doesn't mean I'll stop writing fanfic. I'll keep treating writing fanfic as part of training writing fictions.

And hey, I'm not good with words, but I'd like to thank you for reading.

I'll come back.

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