Chapter 6: Fire Fist Ace

Start from the beginning

I shook my head, my hand on my forehead. Too much has been happening and it's all giving me a headache. I'm so used to the small, quiet life in Sinthaya that all this excitement is new.

And yet so exhilarating.

The freckled pirate got up first, cursing whoever had thrown the two, but he stopped when he spotted the boy. He stumbled upon his brothers name before finally being able to speak. "Hey Lu-"

"Straw hat!" Smoker immediately sent Ace into the ground which sent the man asleep. They had a stare off—Smoker and Luffy—since Luffy probably didn't recognize the man. "Quit eating!"

"Ah!" A lightbulb went off in Luffy's head as he finally recognized him. "You're that smoke! What are you doing here?!" Luffy put his hand up, telling Smoker to hold before shoving all the food in his mouth. "Thank you for the meal!"

Before I could say anything, Smoker ran after the already gone Luffy in an intense chase.

I walked over to Ace and poked his cheek again, to which he immediately jumped up and started to run after the two. "Wait! Luffy it's me! Hey Luffy! Wait!"

I sighed at the three, knowing they were all stupid in the same aspect. Putting the rest of my money on the counter in front of the cook and apologizing for their trouble, I quickly ran after them.

"Tashigi!" Smoker yelled to a girl with dark blue hair that I haven't had the pleasure to meet.

His woman perhaps?

I really don't know why I was so interested in the man having a romantic interest. I just thought it was a funny concept or maybe there was something else. Either way, now was not the time to be thinking about it.

"Yes? Do you want a towel? This kingdom is quite hot!" She spoke wiping her sweat off with a small towel.

"Catch that man! It's strawhat!"

"Strawhat?!" She immediately unseathed her sword and lunged at him. "I'll stop him!"

I clicked my tongue in annoyance and hopped up to a roof, following Luffy's action. Don't ask me where Ace went because only lord knows now.

"Search every square inch for the rest of Strawhat's crew!"

The girl followed the man's order as I quickly realized she was apart of his squad.

This is bad news.

I watched Smoker run after Luffy and Tashigi run the opposite way with a band of marines.


"There you guys are!" I panted, my hands on my knees finally finding the two brothers fighting off some marines.

"Y/n!" The two exclaimed at the same time before turning to each other in confusion and asking how they both knew me.

"Whatever!" I jumped down from the roof I was in and stopped their conversation, irritated at the two. "It doesn't matter!"

I clicked the pen that was previously in my pocket and it extended into a metal scythe that was black and f/c. I jumped towards the remaining marines and knocked them out with a swing on the blunt side.

"Woah!" Both brothers yelled in awe, stars in their eyes.

"You didn't tell me you could do that!" Ace held a fat grin on his face, proud for some reason but also in shock.

Luffy, on the other hand, was more focused on my weapon. Asking me how it worked, if he could try it, if it could turn into meat too—yeah, I don't know how that last one was relevant, but then again it is Luffy.

More marines came and Ace told us that he'd hold them off so that we could go ahead. "Luffy! Take Y/n with you!"

Luffy laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Duh! She's mine anyways!"


The rubber boy didn't give me time to think as we were launched into the air and towards the ship.

"Holy shit!" I screamed, air violently rushing past my face and the height now getting to me as I looked down. People, buildings, the ocean all rushing past me in a blur.

Luffy only laughed as he held his hat down with one hand, holding me tight with his other. "Whooo!"

We ended up colliding with Sanji, all three of us hitting the side of the Merry. Luffy on Sanji's legs and me on top of Luffys back and Sanji's chest.

My eyes spun in different directions at the fall and I had to shake my head to get myself back in check. I look under me to see Sanji looking as if he was in heaven and Luffy seemingly having the time of his life. A sigh escapes my lips as I got up before helping the two guys up.

"Oh right! Ace!" Luffy seemed to glow as he talked about his brother. About how strong he was and how whenever they'd fight he would win. "But I think if we fought now I'd definitely beat him!"

A thud was heard as Ace landed on the railing behind me and Luffy. "You're gonna beat who now?" I looked up to see Ace's cocky smirk once again, something I've always found very attractive.

I won't lie, the man had definitely caught my attention the night he came to Sinthaya and he's continued to have me in his hold ever since then. It wasn't a surprise though since he was the one who introduced me to what kind of world was beyond Sinthaya.

"Hey! Hey! There's a bunch of Navy ships headed our way!"

We all looked back at the sound of the panicked voice to see that we were indeed being chased by multiple Navy ships.

"Don't worry Luffy." He grinned at this brother, sending a quick glance my way. "I'll clean them up."

He hopped on his small...ship before heading towards ships and releasing his Devil fruit. He did indeed clean them up and, very quickly might I add, as we all stared in awe. A strange bubbling sensation rising in my chest as he looked back at me with a confident smirk.

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