Chapter 24: The Escape and a Plan!

Start from the beginning

Diablo: Horn?!

Horn: That's right! It's me!

Shera: Horn!

Rem: You're safe!

Leafa: About time you showed up, sister.

Horn: Mister, everyone...*Holds back the tears* I-I'm opening this up now!

As Horn starts to unlock the locked jail cell door, she hears an unfamiliar voice behind her.

???: Book of Helena, Chapter 3, Verse 4: "The Merciless Claws."

Horn turns around and sees a bear-like creature lunging towards her and slicing her stomach, causing Horn to spin and fall to the ground, bleeding out

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Horn turns around and sees a bear-like creature lunging towards her and slicing her stomach, causing Horn to spin and fall to the ground, bleeding out.

Babalon: Horn!

Horn: I don't...want to...die...

Rem/Leafa/Shera: Horn!

Grasswalker Paladin: Please don't take this personally. I have nothing against you, but I'm under orders from Vishos.

Grasswalker Paladin: Book of Helena, Chapter 5, Verse 2: "The Starved Wolf"!

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Grasswalker Paladin: Book of Helena, Chapter 5, Verse 2: "The Starved Wolf"!

The male Paladin Grasswalker with glasses summons a wolf monster out of his book.

The male Paladin Grasswalker with glasses summons a wolf monster out of his book

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Babalon: Horn! Horn!

(Y/N): Dammit! Hang in there!

You then summoned out your green energy blade from your right arm as you begin to slice the prison door in half before kicking it.

How Not To Summon a Demon Lord...and his Juniors! (H.N.T.S.a.D.L X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now