Chapter 4: Distraction

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As I entered my office room, the first thing that caught my attention was my sleek black desk, impeccably organized

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As I entered my office room, the first thing that caught my attention was my sleek black desk, impeccably organized. Piles of documents were neatly stacked, and my laptop and phone rested on the desk's surface. The room exuded an air of tranquility and order, exactly how I preferred it.

The large windows were adorned with long, flowing black curtains, blocking out the sunlight. I settled into my plush black office chair, opening my laptop to address the influx of emails regarding the shipments.

You see, I am a mafia boss, and Nic is my trusted second-in-command, although he insists on introducing himself as my best friend. We go way back, having been friends since childhood. I would willingly take a bullet for him, just as I know he would do the same for me.

Hazel, on the other hand, is like a sister to us. While she hails from the French mafia, she works for me. We've known each other for nearly five years, and the bond we share is unbreakable.

The Valentino Corporate serves as a front to keep the authorities at bay, allowing us to operate discreetly.

A sweet aroma wafted through the air, catching my attention. I glanced at the cupcake resting on the black coffee table, which I placed there.

There was something intriguing about that girl. The first time I laid eyes on her cleaning my office, she appeared like a young teenager. Petite and seemingly fragile, she shrieked and cowered when I called out to her. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes at her exaggerated reaction.

Her caramel-brown hair flowed down her back, accentuated by a large bow. She eventually stood up, revealing big doe eyes, a petite nose, rosy cheeks, and parted lips that made her resemble a child.

Leaving the cupcake behind, I walked away, knowing Hazel was sitting at the table,  engrossed in her phone, most likely stalking some boys.

"Where's Nic?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, he went to drop off Ariella," Hazel replied, briefly glancing up from her phone before returning her attention to the screen.

They seem close...

At that moment, the door swung open, and Nic entered, his voice echoing through the room, "Alex!" I rolled my eyes, well aware that he relished calling me by that name, knowing it irked me.

"So, Ariella..." Hazel began, her voice trailing off. I raised an eyebrow, prompting her to continue. "I hope you won't treat her like the other cleaners," she finished, her concern evident.

Most of the previous cleaners we had employed were more interested in flirting with either me or Nic than actually cleaning. However, Ariella didn't try to flirt with me during our interactions, and she genuinely did her job. I shook my head, and Hazel wore a satisfied expression.

Nic took a seat beside Hazel, his hand instinctively reaching for a half-eaten cupcake. He stuffed it into his mouth before attempting to grab another, only to realize they were all gone. "Did you eat my cupcake?" he mumbled, staring at Hazel.

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