Chapter 1

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September 8th

Dear Diary,

Before I begin to write, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't kept a secret diary since I was 10. That being 4 years ago.

I don't know why I decided to buy you and actually write, but maybe I just need to talk to someone, even if you're not a real person.

You know what? Let's erase that "maybe", I NEED to vent. That's the purpose of secret diaries, right?

I believe it's time for me to introduce myself, my name is Luna and I'm 14 years old. I will soon start my first year of highschool.

For now I won't write anything important, maybe some small thought that crosses my mind.


The girl stared at the diary in front of her with the pen still in her hand. She closed the diary, defeated, and rolled over on her bed, with her eyes fixated on the ceiling. She sighed and with the diary in hand she got up from the bed. She decided to bring it to school, in case she would get bored during the lessons.

She put the diary in her bag and suddenly her mother entered the room with the phone in her hand.
«The list with your classmates' name came.»
She said smiling.
«I'll send you the image.»
Luna nodded and stood up.

She grabbed the phone on the desk and saw the notification of a new message from her mom.

Before she could open it, her mom made a comment.
«I can tell you're going to a language school, in your class there are only five guys.»

Luna rolled her eyes and quietly muttered a "Thank God". She tapped the image to see it better.
She read the names on the list

Alessandra... Beatrice... Emma... Federico... Greta... Iris... Luna... Rachele... Riccardo... Selene...
Wait a second, Selene?
Mh, what a nice name, Selene.

Luna tried to picture her.
The only thing that she could see was a girl identical to her: mid-long brown hair, big hazel eyes. Average height and probably keen on mythology.

Now she had a reason to show up the first day of school, to meet her and see if she got her looks right.


It was dark outside, Luna was preparing for and eventual speech in case they ask her to introduce herself, but what could she say?

“Hello, my name is Luna and I'm 14 years old like all of you. I have a brother, who is 3 years old, that I hate and I like to read. Oh, right, I hide in fantasy because I can't face my problems.”

She immediately discarded that idea. She didn't want her future classmates to get a wrong image of her. But since she couldn't think about anything else, she decided to avoid making a speech.

She laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Since the anxiety was eating her alive, she decided to listen to music.

The next morning she woke up very early. She tried to find her phone to turn off the music, that she forgot to close.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now