Chapter 7

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October 30th

Dear Diary,
I still can't believe that tomorrow will be Halloween... Time goes by so fast.

The principal has confirmed that the party will take place, a notice has also been released.
We don't have to go in costume but I'll put it on anyway, I put a lot of effort into completing it.

Unfortunately Beatrice won't come, so goodbye to the matching costume.


Luna, Beatrice and Selene were sitting on a bench outside school. «It's absurd that the second month of school there is already a strike.» Beatrice said crossing her arms. «Absurd in a negative or positive way?» Luna asked her. «Negative.»

The other two looked at her in shock and asked why. «Today we had the history test, right? Now, I spent all night studying, also I come to school with two buses. To get home I have to take the one that leaves at 2.30pm. And so now I have to wait five hours.»

«I have to wait until 12.» Selene remained silent and smiled as she turned away. «Yeah, laugh. You can go home even now. Listen, I haven't had breakfast, so I'm starving. I'm going to buy something to eat nearby. Anyone want to come with me?» Beatrice asked getting up.

«Nah, I'm cool.» Luna answered, Selene shook her head instead. «Okay, be right back.»  Beatrice walked away, leaving Luna and Selene alone. «Everything alright?» «Yes, why?» «You hardly spoke today. And you seem a little weird lately.»  Selene stared at her for a few seconds before answering.

«I'm still me? And I don't have much to say anyway. But why do I look weird to you?» Luna thought about it for a moment. «You look more tired than usual, you talk less and you are always absent.» «Oh… Maybe it's just all the tests and endless homework. I spend every afternoon studying.»

Luna nodded, not very convinced. «Look, since you and Beatrice have to wait so long, would you like to come to my house?» «Sure. We'll ask Bea as soon as she arrives.»

After about ten minutes Beatrice arrived with a piece of pizza wrapped in paper.  «What did you do in my absence?» she asked with her mouth full. «Do you want to come to my house? Luna is coming.» Beatrice thought about it. «Is Diana at home?» «Yes why?» «Then I'll come too.» Beatrice answered shifting her attention to her pizza in her hands.

«Sorry, who is Diana?» Luna asked.  «Diana is Selene's older sister.»  Beatrice answered instead of Selene. Luna turned to her. «You have a sister?» She asked in surprise.

«She also has a brother.»  «Her brother is so hot I—» Selene immediately shushed her. «Bea, please.»  Beatrice threw up her hands in defense. «Let's go?» Selene got up and put her backpack on her shoulders. The others copied her.

On the way they talked about everything and Beatrice almost died of chocking for how hard she laughed. At one point Luna looked at Selene, she was looking at the void and was very pale. She looked like she was about to pass out. She stood in front of her, stopping her.

«Selene, you look like you're going to pass out.» Beatrice hurried to keep up with her. «We're almost home, don't pass out or when you wake up I'll make you pass out again.» She threatened her jokingly. «What are you talking about? I feel great.»

She looked almost offended and she kept walking. «Um... What's going on?» Luna asked Beatrice, still staring at Selene. «She has been like this since middle school, for a while she seems to be the happiest person in the world, then when it's over she seems to be sick for a few days. She'll recover.» Beatrice tried to go after her, Luna following.

They arrived in front of Selene's house.  She looked for the key in her jacket pockets, but she sighed and rang the doorbell. «Did you forget your keys again?»  Beatrice asked, as if it were a normal thing. «Yep. Ana will open anyway.» «So Dan's not here?» Selene shook her head.

Luna put her hands on her hips. She hated when people pretended she didn't exist. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice from the intercom. «Who is it?» The voice was feminine and sounded quite annoyed. «Selene.»

«Weren't you at school?» She replied, sounding even more annoyed. «Open the door.» She heard a sigh and the door opened. They climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. The door was closed. «Oh my God I hate her so much. Hey, could you open this stupid door?» shouted Selene.

The door opened and in front of it was a girl with curly, dark-blonde hair tied up in a messy ponytail. Her eyes were gray and droopy. She was wearing a white tank top and a huge gray sweatshirt. Her sweatpants were the same color.

«What are you doing here?» «Strike.» Selene entered her house, dragging the other two after her. «For fuck's sake, I thought I had the house to myself, but of course you always have to screw things up.» She went back to her room and Selene gave her the middle finger. «Does she know that we're also here?» Luna asked.

«Yes, but she doesn't care. Better that way honestly. Bea, tell me what you see in her?» Luna looked at Beatrice with a face full of amazement. «You like Selene's sister?» she asked almost screaming. Beatrice covered her mouth with a hand. «Shut up, she could hear us.»  «She can't hear anything, don't worry."

Selene took off her jacket and motioned for the others to do the same. She took them and placed them on a chair that was near the window. «So when is Dan coming?» Selene huffed and rolled her eyes. «At 4. You'll be home already.» Beatrice sighed in exasperation on the pillow of Selene's bed.

Luna laughed at the scene. «Let me get this straight, do you like all the members of Selene's family? Her mother and her father too by any chance?» Beatrice smiled and looked at Selene with narrowed eyes. «I don't like her father, but I do like her mother.» Selene looked at her with wide eyes and open mouth.  «This is new.»

«Okay, this is getting weird.» Luna said laughing. «You're right. Anyway, I'm kidding, I really don't like your mother.» «And thank goodness, she's worse than Ana.»


«I have to go. My dad texted me. He should be here soon.» Luna said standing up. «I'll come with you.»  Selene walked her to the door. Suddenly Diana came out of her room.

Selene pretended not to see her. «Are you Luna?» She asked amused. «Yes. «Of course it's you, Selene keeps talking about you.» She said approaching her.  «Oh really?» Luna looked at Selene and smiled. «Shut up. Let's go.» Selene took her arm and they walked out the door.

«You told your sister about me?» She asked her pleased. «Not my sister. I mean- I never talked about you.»  She answered hesitating and trying to look away. Luna nudged her. «Yeah, sure.» she said ironically.

Luna saw a familiar car park nearby. They said goodbye with a hug and Luna ran towards the car.

She opened it and sat next to her father.  «Today went well for you. Weren't you supposed to have a test?» «That's right.  «And did you study?»  «Uh… Yeah, yeah, sure.»

Her father sighed and, after Luna fastened her belt, they set off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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