Chapter 17

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Arthur P.O.V

When we arrived at the beast glades I tried to sense how far we were from Xyrus and I sensed we were close by so we made our way, we all had the ability to fly so it was quick to arrive at Xyrus academy.

It seemed like Aldir knew we were on our way, I could sense him waiting but I also sensed more than I liked. It seemed that Tessia and my family were there but I wasn't too bothered. I only hoped they didn't cause too much trouble for me, 'Art dear please don't think like that, they only care about you.'

'And I care about you Caera and Sylvie,' I answered back which I then I felt grandma feel sad from what I said to which I understood but I couldn't take back what I said because I would be lying and I'd rather be truthful when talking with grandma, "Art, we are close by but do you feel that?'

Caera seemed worried because she sensed the people from when we left for Ephoteus but I told her, "don't worry about it Caera, they won't do anything to you and if they tried I doubt they can do anything with me there."

She didn't say anything but I saw her face and saw a small smile on her face which showed her being happy which I smiled but then we slowed down because we were close to Xyrus academy and we descended and saw Aldir was in front of us with my old acquaintances.

"Lord Arthur, I'm happy to see that you arrived with not a scratch and delighted to see your family here," Aldir bowed to which I said, "alright Aldir, stop with the formalities, I'm hardly anyone special rather you have been a high ranking asura way more than me so please stop."

"That I can not sir, you are the prince of the Indrath clan so you need to be treated like this even if you hate it and that also goes to your family sir," I sighed when he said that, it felt like he could easily counter my arguments so I just gave up. I then looked over and saw Tessia, Virion and Cynthia looking at me to which I greeted them and they did also but Tessia continued to glare at Caera and I said, "Tessia please stop this I beg of you, there is no point to this hatred."

"You know I won't stop, so what is the point of asking me to?" She said while looking at Caera and I sighed this time I let out my bloodlust, I wasn't going to hold back this time because it was getting to my last nerve. My strength has grown to the point of even rivalling Aldir I was told so my bloodlust causes gravity to increase and death seemed to be close to her, "I wasn't asking, I was telling you to stop Tessia."

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and saw that Caera was looking for me to stop so I stopped and walked past her, I can't look at her for what she said to Caera but it felt like Caera was trying to fix my old bonds but I wasn't sure if I should. Everyone from my past wasn't the type of person that would be easy to forgive because they had the mentality that everything could be forgotten but in reality it couldn't.

"Lord Arthur there will be a ball in the afternoon and you have been invited and I suggest you go so you can see what type of people would be involved in the war," Aldir informed me, it felt weird to be treated like this, I knew the feeling but it was a long lost feeling and it was slowly coming back to me to which I tried to ignore it, "what do you think Caera, Sylvie want to go?"

They both looked at each other and then at me and smiled to which I smiled as well feeling like I could read their minds and I just said, "we will attend the ball but first I need to check some things out."

"As you wish Lord Arthur, please have a safe trip." I then left with Caera and Sylvie and we went to get some food. The thing I remembered from Xyrus was the amazing food they had so we might as well eat some while we are here.


As we got our food we started to eat but the way we acted people looked at us weirdly, I made sure to cover Caera's horns with illusion magic which she was thankful for but I didn't like it one bit, I wish she showed her true self but she preferred not to be stared at to which I helped her then. "Papa, Mama can you feed me?"

Sylvie asked to which I looked at her and saw what she was playing but I was going to act with it because it felt nice being a father to her so I grabbed some of the steak and fed her slowly and then I switched with Caera so I could eat some food but while Caera was feeding Sylvie a man came over and started to flirt with Caera to which she ignored him but I got angry and was about to grab Caera but I sent a wind blow which kicked him out of the restaurant.

"Thank you dear."

"No problem honey." I replied to which we finished out food and made our way back to Xyrus academy to see Virion and Cynthia for some details but when we entered Xyrus we saw a group of student which wore a uniform different from the normal one fro Xyrus, one was Black and the other one was quite similar but had more of a litter tone to it, "who are you?"

I asked in a calm tone, I didn't want to cause any trouble for Xyrus academy so I was respectful, Tessia then appeared which didn't shock me. I sensed her coming but it felt like she tried her best for nothing when I sighed, "Grandfather and the headmaster had told us to escort you to them, Arthur."

"Then lead the way," I then had a serious tone which scared most the people there but she started walking and everyone followed her but I sighed again but this time held Caera's hand and also carried Sylvie

Boring I know but it's a start so please take this and try to wait a bit more

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