Chapter 12

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Tessia P.O.V

I was getting off the carriage and I was outside Xyrus academy and greeted my new master, "hello my name is Tessia Earlith, I hope to learn a lot from you master Goodsky."

I was respectful when I greeted her, she was my new master and I wanted to learn everything from her so I could catch up to Arthur and even surpass him, I then grew happy when I thought of that. If I was stronger than Arthur then he could rely on me and final stop seeing me as a child and maybe a lover now.

"Good day Tessia I heard a lot from your grandpa and hope you will impress me, also call me grandma," she greeted me but I felt a little off to call her grandma because it was kinda weird for an elf to call one of the strongest humans grandma. "I'll try... grandma."

She just smiled but we went inside were we both sat down around a table and we talked for what seemed around several hours but it was nice because she told me what it's going to be like for me in Xyrus academy and what is training like but I was nearly at dark orange stage so it would be fine. "Dear can I ask about Arthur Leywin if you don't mind because I heard he was your grandfather's disciple."

"Art was what you called a prodigy and more of a loner, he never really liked talking much, rather he wanted to train and get stronger but I never found out." I explained and she just listened, "that adds up if I think about it when I met him."

My ears felt like they got bigger and I quickly asked her, "you met him?"

"Yes and I even have a duel with him," she said to which I was shocked to my core, "I nearly lost if he went his full ability but he didn't for some reason."

"Do you know where he is exactly, I know he is an adventurer but he left his family and hasn't been seen," she told me to which I felt the world drop, he left his own family to be an adventurer, for what?

"Do you know where they live?" I asked in desperation to know where to find him, "they live with the helstea which isn't all that far but you can take a carriage there."

"Yes please." I said and ran outside and waited for the carriage and when it arrived we quickly made our way to the manor.


Once we arrived I quickly knocked on the door and then a woman that had auburn hair opened the door, "hello are the Leywins here?"

"Yes, is everything alright dear?" She asked me so then I knew she was related to Arthur, "I wanted to talk to you about your son if that's okay."

She then had a look of surprise and said, "do you know where he is?" she seemed desperate when she asked me, I also saw that she hadn't been well, maybe worrying for Arthur, "I'll talk to you about that."

We then went inside with master goodsky behind me, "first i'll like to introduce myself, I'm Tessia Earlith a old friend of Arthur's. I was hoping to ask what happened when he arrived in Xyrus?"

They then told me what happened and told me he explained he wasn't from this world and what he was before which shocked me but then I understood how he was so strong and smart and even master goodsky was surprised. They then explained how they were shocked and lashed out at Arthur which I was surprised by, "We thought he just went to apply to be an adventurer and come back in a week but then it turned into months and we have been searching for this entire time for him."

Miss Leywin finished but she broke down and Mr Leywin had to help her calm down but it was fine, "Miss Leywin I promise to help you, I heard on the way here that he will be going to Xyrus academy and then you will see him again."

They then looked at Grandma Goodsky and she nodded and then they seemed the most happy that I've seen till now, 'Art come back to them, they need you."

Caera P.O.V

We were outside of a dungeon which was called the dire tomb. I felt it was another one that was corrupted by a retainer, "Arthur do you want to get a bigger team for this or are you sure we will be enough for this?"

I wasn't having cold feet or anything it's just that he might be overwhelmed but he just shook his head, "Caera we will be fine don't worry and beside I haven't even shown you my real strength."

He smiled when he said that and I just nodded and we entered still feeling that we were making a mistake for some reason, 'please let luck be on our side.'

As we descended in the tomb we then felt like mana beasts were ready to attack but they weren't in sight. I then saw Arthur was calm and collected, nothing bothered him while I had to act tough. I was jealous that he always had a collected mind unlike me but he didn't know that about me which I was happy about but still worried he'll find out one day.

I then saw him look up and I did the same and we saw snarlers looking at us and they attacked, I got on my guard and striked all of them. They seemed to not care about my vritra powers so they attacked and I defended and killed them at the same time.

Arthur was the same but he was quicker than me to a point he even helped me and I also watched his back. I felt safe with him for some reason more so than my masters or even Severn, 'why I'm I feeling like this?"

We quickly dealt with all of them and we didn't have to use a lot of mana; rather it was pure strength and swordsmanship, nothing more but if it was only me in the dungeon I would have needed to use my vritra powers and that alone is hard for me.

We then made ourselves to the boss room but along the way we encountered a lava worm, it was the biggest one I've seen and it was attacking us but Arthur didn't flinch; rather he just applied mana to his sword and sliced it to bits while I was in shock.

We then took a small break and sat down while the boss was behind a huge door. I took out some food to eat before going in but I saw Arthur never really ate, he only ate when he had to it seems but not when we were adventuring, "wants some?"

"No, I'm fine."

"You never really eat unless you have to," I said to which he said, "because I don't have to eat."

"What do you mean?" I asked but he didn't reply for quite some time but then he said, "might as well stop this facade."

I was a bit lost now but then he said something which surprised me, "I know you're from Alacrya and so is Nico."


"Stop with the act I've known since we met," he said and I was just shocked, "how did you know?"

"I'm able to sense people with asuran blood and I've met your people before," he explained and then he explained about his past to me. He said he wasn't brought to this world the normal way, he could've been a Vritra but Argona's wife stopped that and made him be born in Dicathen, he met her when he was four but the problem was that she was hunted by a Scythe and killed to which he received her will and looks like that because of it.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I trust you that's why,"

"Why!? I was here to kidnap you and give you to him so why trust me you knew that and still formed a party with me!" I shouted at him but for some reason I regretted it, no one has ever done that to me and this person has, he hates my kind but still trust me. I felt tears drop down from my eyes and was trying to hide them but he just hugged me to which I hugged back.

I felt safe with him and then I felt I was transported in a different world, "oh your here now."

I quickly turned and saw a beautiful woman with long white hair and amethyst eyes she had a long beautiful dress but then I saw Arthur with her, "I wanted to meet you for some time now."

"Who... are you?" I asked and she said, "I'm Sylvia Indrath also the wife of Argona the ruler of Alacrya."

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