Chapter 4

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Arthur P.O.V

It's been three years since I started training with elder Virion and grandma. One thing was for sure it was that grandma had harder training for me which she didn't mean to because I took it far. I wanted to get stronger so I took it more seriously than I should but I didn't care and pushed myself hard.

She showed me love and took the best care she could of me like elder Virion and his family did but I was closer to her than them because I saw her more important. They were good people but there was still the fact of the old war and how humans and elves saw each other so it wasn't like we could be.

As me and Tessia walked down the halls to the training area we saw that elder Virion at the end with his usual smirk and he said, "brat you should really marry into this family, elven culture suits you well."

Tessia was blushing while I just looked at him with a plain look, "let's get ready for the assimilation master," I said to which he was disappointed from what I said. When we arrived he told me to get ready and I did. He put his hand on my core and let mana go in it and then an explosion occurred which pushed everyone back and even me which I then slowly lost consciousness.

I then seemed to be the place I normally arrive when I sleep, "grandma are you here?!" I screamed and then I was hugged from behind and I let her hug me, "I'm always here, dear."

"Grandma, what will happen now?" I asked her to which she conjured a mirror and showed what I looked like and I was shocked to see what I look like. My auburn hair was now a wheat colour and my eyes were now a golden colour from the old blue. My skin has gotten a cream white look to it and I was surprised by it but I then went back to my old look but it was because grandma put some runes on me, "this will help you and don't worry they didn't see your new body only me and you know about it."

I nodded to her and then I went to use aether like I did in the past, I activated static void and the world inverted in colour and time stopped here but I made sure grandma was in my time as well, I then also used aether cannon which was more destructive now because I had control over it because before I couldn't really move aether and now that I did it was hard for me to believe that I did that,

"Grandma I'm going to go now but I want to know something about Sylvie?" I told her that she didn't know what I was talking about, "your daughter."

Then she nodded and I said, "is she going to be a dragon or a human?" I asked her to which  she had a strained expression and then said, "I put a seal on her because people can track her because of her mana so she will be a dragon," he told me but then I said, "what about if I covered her mana signature then, I will use aether to cover her so she can't be sensed by your clan."

She hesitated at first but she completed with my actions and she will help and I also need to bring her in the beast gales to train her so when she hatches I will help her with transforming from her human and dragon form.

I then woke up and saw I was shirtless on my bed but I the saw a small black figure coming near me and I went to go pick it up and I saw it was sylvie and she then chomped on my arm which I was shocked and then a black mark came up and then I heard a voice in my head, 'mama.'

I looked around to see who it was but I then saw it was sylvie and I picked her up and told her, "call me papa because I'm a boy," I told her which she smiled and was jumping up and then I took aether and wrapped it around her and then saw the seal there was, I then sensed Sylvia's mana breaking the seal and when it did she turned into her human form, she was like me in my djinn body but she had black horns which showed she was apart of the indrath clan.

Sylvia explained what the asura's were capable of and what they have accomplished from their strength and mastery over aether because they stole all the knowledge from the djinn. Sylvie looked at me and hugged me like I was her own father which I hugged back but I needed to explain this to elder Virion so I went to his room but I used mirage walk that I learnt from Sylvia.

She said it was a technique of the thyestes clan and only some of the indrath knew of it but she taught it to me which I was thankful for. I arrived at elder Virion room and I entered to which he was sleeping like a log. I jumped and landed on his stomach which seemed to nearly kill him, "we need to talk."

"I'll... kill you... brat," he said and I just sighed while I got off him and waited for him to stand up, "First of all say hi to my daughter." when I told him he got his senses back and saw Sylvie and seemed to have passed away, "don't worry it isn't Tessia's."

"But how?" He asked and I then explained I was a dragon tamer and that this was the dragon's and explained that she was a special type of dragon and that she was given to me to take care of and throughout the explanation it seemed he aged half a century and was going to die any second.

"I'll keep this a secret even from everyone but how will you show this to your parents?" he asked and then I showed that Sylvie turned into a dragon and then he was shocked again but I then left the room to which he jumped on his bed and slept like he wasn't going to wake up ever again.

I walked back to my room with Sylvie in her human form and I just carried her in my arms like she was my daughter, 'grandma don't you want to hug her like you do me?' I asked her to which she said, 'I do but it's not the same as you and besides I will be able in the future because I might be able to have a form if I use aether correctly.' I nodded to what she said but I was going to make sure she would be able to because she deserved it.

When we arrived in my room I laid down on my bed with Sylvie and she seemed to cuddle up to me and I let her do it while I hugged her back.


When I woke up I saw the sun coming up so I took Sylvie and went to the shower to wash her which she hated but I had to clean her but it was hard because she didn't stop moving and it seemed Sylvia was chuckling seeing what was happen but I got her clean dn wiped her down. I put some clothes on her and then me and her left but we met two females, "hello arthur, Elder Virion told us to escort you because today the human royal family is coming and we are going to make sure they don't do anything." said the one with white hair. I made sure to camouflage sylvie's horns so no one saw them

I followed them and along the way it seemed that I was sensing two strong mages but it was nothing compared to him, the man that killed Sylvia. I made it my goal to kill him so I wasn't scared of what the humans had in store for me besides I'm not human anymore.

When we met up with Tessia and her family, they were surprised to see me have a kid on my arms but I went near elder Virion and he just smiled at me which I ignored and waited for the royal family to arrive which when they did they had two guards like Alduin had which I sensed they were at white stage and it was surprising even though I sensed them so far away.

Then the royal family came out and when they saw me they were a bit confused but I didn't show any reaction, only showed respect because they were the royal family. "Greeting Glayders I hope you have a great stay here." Elder Viron said to which they smiled but then Queen Glayder asked, "who might this child be."

"I'm elder Virion disciple, I'm honoured to meet you," I answered them, to which they seemed surprised because it seemed elder Virion never told anyone outside the elves he had a disciple but I didn't care. We all then went to the dining hall where I sat next to Virion and Alduin while I was opposite kifn Glayders.

"Arthur, can I ask what's up with the baby," Asked Merial and I asked in a kert voice, "this is my daughter Sylvie Leywin."

Everyone except for elder Virion seems to be dumbstruck from what I said but I only took a sip of water and gave some to Sylvie which she drank slowly and smiled at me, "may I ask who the mother is?" asked Alduin, which I saw he was hoping nothing happened with Tessia, "it isn't your daughter and that has to stay secret and beside I told elder Virion the details and he knows that it has to stay a secret." Everyone looked at him and he couldn't say anything and seemed to be sweating a little.

Then the food came and we started to eat but I sensed the Glayders were looking at me with  curiosity and even the two guard were but I ignored them, "is it possible to ask you something?"

"If it's not related to the daughter of my mana then it's fine," I said to which he didn't even ask the question but then the princess asked, "how did you come across the elves?"

I explained how I got separated from my parents and then I then met with Tessia and how I arrived how and I've been here training with elder Virion, "Will you stop calling me that and call me something else like grandpa or something, it's bothering me because your like family to me," he shouted to me while I just ate calmly and also fed Sylvie at the same time.

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