SEASON TWO; how time flies

Comenzar desde el principio

"Warren!" He called out anxiously, as the group crashed through the greenhouse to get to him. Leaves and vines whipped against the girl's face unforgivingly, but she powered on anyways. 

"Hurry! I can't control it!" (y/n) whipped her knife out and began sawing at the vines holding his legs in a vise, so he could at least try crawling away. 

Her blade made contact with it, but it was like trying to start a fire with wet wood. Nothing was happening, even as she grit her teeth and sawed with all of her might. 

Finally - blessedly - the vine released his leg, only for multiple more to snake their way up his limbs and drag him further in. 

"Will you hold still before I cut your foot off!" Doc screeched in a panic, trying to work his way through the thick vines. 

"I tried to save you!" Murphy tried, to no avail. 

"Dude, it doesn't care!" (y/n) 

"Get down!" Vasquez rounded the corner, raising his gun. (y/n) was already kneeling on the ground, so she didn't have to move to avoid his spray of bullets that hit the creature. 

They weren't very helpful - as they'd been warned - and it only seemed to anger the creature more. It roared, standing up to face them down. (y/n) turned to look over her shoulder and gulped, wishing she hadn't lost her axe. 

Instead, she rose to her feet and held her knife defensively. 10k and Addy jumped onto it, stabbing and smashing with all their might. The sounds were horrifying, as (y/n) stepped over Murphy to help them. 

She jammed her blade into its head again and again, as it was distracted by throwing Addy and 10k off its back and off somewhere. 

Then, it was just her. It grabbed her wrist, twisting it until she cried out and dropped her blade. The things ugly head reared onto hers, and she fell back, wiping blood from her nose. Her eyes watered as she clutched her face, watching the thing roar and throw Vasquez to the side like a ragdoll. 

Was this it? 

"10k the vines!" Addy called out, as the girl got to her feet. "Help me!" (y/n) watched as they grabbed the vines and began heaving, although the ugly bastard kept on going towards Murphy, Doc, and Warren. 

She kicked at its leg, trying to break its rotting knee to stop its advances. It simply roared at her, and she flipped her blade so it was parallel with her elbow, trying to protect them. 

"Heads up, Doc! Heads up!" Warren cried, as the thing loomed closer. 

"Keep pulling!" (y/n) yelled, running over to help them heave the vines towards the large fan. She breathed through her teeth, the muscles in her arm screaming at the exertion. 

"No, don't kill him!" Murphy told them, but it was too late. Like a smoothie blender, the vines got knotted in the fans fast-rotating blades, and the zombie was sucked towards its pull. (y/n) scrambled backwards, away from its grasp. 

"No, no, no!" Murphy screamed, but the thing was already dead and gone. 10k and Addy did a little fist bump, while (y/n) stood, openmouthed, at the plant zombie. 

"Oh my god." 

"Go go go!" Warren screamed over the racket that had started up outside. (y/n) could distantly smell smoke; probably the greenhouse burning. Great. 

They hauled Murphy to his feet, and ran from the greenhouse. 

"10k! Help Murphy! (y/n), protect them! Addy, I need you!" Doc yelled. 10k swooped under Murphy's other arm, helping Warren support them. They ran off to God-knows-where, and (y/n) held her pistol angled downwards, away from her body as they ran across the gravel towards a Zero vehicle. 

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