Echoes of Love: A Legacy of Hope and Loss

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Years after Shinji's death, his nieces and nephews still visit his grave, telling stories of their "Uncle Shinji" to their own children. Asuka's children grew up and started families of their own, and the legacy of their parents lived on through them.

Meanwhile, the world had changed. The Third Impact had left its mark, and although humanity had survived, the scars remained. But there was hope. Kaworu's sacrifice had prevented the full destruction of humanity, and his message of hope and unity had spread throughout the world.

New generations of pilots had stepped forward to defend humanity against the Angels, and they carried on the legacy of those who came before them. And as they fought, they always remembered the sacrifices that had been made to bring them to this point.

As for Kaworu and Shinji, their souls had been reunited in the afterlife, and they were finally able to be together again. They watched over the world they had helped to save, and even in death, their love continued to inspire those who came after them.

The world was not perfect, but it was a better place because of the sacrifices of those who had come before. And as long as there were those who were willing to fight for what was right, there would always be hope for a better future.

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