Swimming with Emotions: Lounging in the Pool with Kaworu

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Shinji and Kaworu made their way to the changing room, still feeling the heat from the sun on their skin. The locker room was empty except for them, and they quickly began to undress.

Shinji tried to keep his eyes on his own locker, but he couldn't help but steal glances at Kaworu. He had to admit, he found him attractive. He blushed at the thought and quickly looked away.

Kaworu noticed Shinji's behavior and couldn't help but tease him a bit. "You know, Shinji, I think you're blushing," he said with a smirk.

Shinji's face turned even redder, and he fumbled with his clothes. "I-I'm not blushing," he stammered.

Kaworu chuckled. "It's okay, Shinji. I won't judge you for finding me attractive."

Shinji's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe Kaworu had said that. He felt a mix of embarrassment and excitement at the same time.

After a few minutes, they finished changing into their swimwear. Kaworu had on a pair of black swim trunks, while Shinji wore a simple blue one-piece.

Kaworu grabbed his towel and motioned for Shinji to follow him. "Come on, Shinji. Let's go enjoy the pool."

Shinji nodded, still feeling a bit flustered from their conversation. He followed Kaworu out of the locker room and into the pool area.

As they made their way into the pool area, Shinji and Kaworu were greeted by the refreshing sensation of the cool water on their skin. They laughed and splashed each other, enjoying their time together. Kaworu's movements were fluid and graceful, almost as if he was dancing in the water.

Shinji couldn't help but notice how attractive Kaworu looked, with the water droplets glistening on his skin and his hair slicked back. He blushed as Kaworu caught his eye and flashed him a flirty smile.

They played and swam for a while, enjoying each other's company. Shinji felt happy and relaxed, forgetting about all the stress and anxiety that came with being a pilot.

Eventually, they both got out of the pool and sat on the edge, their legs dangling in the water. Kaworu leaned back on his elbows, watching Shinji as he looked up at the sky.

"You know, Shinji, I'm really glad we met," Kaworu said, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "I feel like we have a special connection."

Shinji turned his head to look at Kaworu, feeling his heart race at the intensity of his gaze. "I feel the same way, Kaworu," he said softly, a small smile on his lips.

Kaworu reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Shinji's forehead, sending shivers down his spine. "I hope we can continue to spend time together," Kaworu said, his voice low and intimate.

Shinji's face grew hot as he realized the implications of Kaworu's words. He had never been this close to someone before, never felt this way about anyone. But somehow, with Kaworu, it felt natural and right.

Shinji stared into his soft red eyes as Kaworu's hand lingered on Shinji's cheek as they continue to gaze at each other, lost in the moment.

As they walked out of the pool, their hands still clasped together, Shinji couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth. He had never felt so connected to someone before, especially not another boy. But there was something about Kaworu that made him feel safe and understood.

They walked back to the changing rooms, still holding hands, and quickly got dressed. As they left the locker room, Kaworu turned to Shinji with a smile.

"You know, Shinji, I think we make a great team," he said.

Shinji smiled back, feeling a surge of happiness. "Yeah, we do," he replied.

Kaworu's smile widened as he took Shinji's hand once again. "Let's go get something to eat," he suggested.

Shinji nodded eagerly, feeling grateful for Kaworu's company. They walked to a nearby ramen shop and sat down to enjoy a bowl of noodles together. As they ate, they chatted about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.

After they finished eating, Kaworu looked at Shinji with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, Shinji, have you ever skinny-dipped before?" he asked.

Shinji blushed at the question, feeling a bit embarrassed. "No, I haven't," he replied.

Kaworu grinned. "Well, let's do it! The pool is still open and no one is around," he said, standing up.

Shinji hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, feeling a sense of adventure. They walked back to the pool and quickly stripped off their clothes, jumping into the cool water.

They splashed around, playing and laughing, enjoying the freedom of being naked. At one point, Kaworu swam over to Shinji and splashed water in his face, making him sputter and cough.

As Shinji caught his breath, he looked up at Kaworu, who was sitting on the edge of the pool watching him. There was something in his eyes that Shinji couldn't quite decipher, but it made his heart skip a beat.

"Hey, Kaworu," he said softly.

Kaworu looked down at him, his eyes filled with warmth. "Yes, Shinji?"

"Thank you. For everything," Shinji said, feeling a surge of gratitude towards the boy sitting in front of him.

Kaworu smiled, reaching down to touch Shinji's cheek gently. "You don't have to thank me, Shinji. I'm just happy to be here with you," he said.

They sat there for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, until Kaworu leaned down and pressed his lips to Shinji's in a gentle kiss. Shinji was taken aback for a moment, but then he melted into the kiss, feeling a sense of connection that he had never felt before.

As they pulled away, Kaworu grinned. "Let's do this again sometime, Shinji," he said.

Shinji smiled back, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. "Yeah, let's," he replied, feeling grateful for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed into something more.

Before getting out the warm water kaworu said something shinji could have never expected Humans constantly feel pain in their hearts. Because the heart is so sensitive to pain, humans also feel that to live is to suffer. You're so delicate, like glass, especially your heart. Shinji felt his heart beating in able to process the situation 'what could he mean,he's human too. Isn't he?'.

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