All his fault.

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Request(I can't tag the person who requested it, sorry)

Hopefully you enjoy:))(sorry I've been too busy to write lol)

It will only be a short chapter


Love. A strange feeling. Some feel it, some don't. Varian was currently in love. With his 'enemy' though. Hugo. His blonde hair, green eyes framed by circular glasses, everything about Hugo, Varian loved. He didn't know why, he just did. He hated it. He hated love. It never ended well for him. Like with Cassandra, who almost killed him. That was the last crush he had until Hugo.

Of course, just Varian's luck, he was put with Hugo for doing this trail. They were split into twos. Nuru and Yong. Hugo and Varian. It was pretty obvious something was up with Varian. Ever since he realised his feelings for Hugo, he'd been feeling sickly, dizzy, and overall feeling like his heart could stop at any moment.
"Alright, what's up with you?" Hugo asked.
"Why would you care?" Varian retorted, clutching his head.
"Sit down, it'll help a bit if you're feeling dizzy. I've got this," Hugo smiled. Goddammit. Varian blushed, doing as Hugo had said. Around a minute of silence went by before Hugo spoke up.
"I need to say something," he deadpanned. Varian looked at Hugo, confused, concerned.
"Hm?" Varian couldn't form words. His head was spinning, his stomach churning, overall, shitty. Worse then before.
"I... This is gonna sound stupid, but... I like you, Varian. Y'know... like you..." Hugo went back to what he was doing. Varian went red but before he could answer, he began to cough. Hugo, now concerned, kneeled down next to Varian. Hugo grabbed the hand Varian coughed into to see blood. Both were confused as Varian slowly lost consciousness. Hugo tried to shake him, but it didn't work. Varian's heart stopped working after a bit, his brain going dead. No longer having a pulse, Varian laid in Hugo's arm. Hugo was crying. All noise couldn't be heard. Varian was dead. No doubt.

Love. A horrible feeling. Varian could no longer feel it. His love for Hugo had killed him.

Hugo had killed him.

It was all Hugo's fault.


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