Don't do this, Cassandra!

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Cass and Varian angst based on some fanart I just did!!

Cass and Varian angst based on some fanart I just did!!

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"Cassandra please listen to me!" Varian yelled.
"No Varian! You may have a bad guy at one point, but you don't understand what I'm going through!" Cassandra yelled back.
"Cassie," Varian sounded hurt, broken. Cassandra pinned him to the wall with moonstone before he got a chance to say anything else.
"Don't call me that you useless alchemist!" she began to walk at a fast pace towards the wall Varian was now pinned to. Varian's eyes widened, being to well up with tears. A high pitched, kid like laugh was heard echoing through the castle.
'That's right, Cassandra. You could end him now and he wouldn't get in your way anymore.' it whispered to Cassandra.
"No. No I can't," she spoke.
'Well, of corse you can, Cassandra. You have the power of the moonstone, do you not? Why not use it?' It began to move Cassandra's arm upwards. Due to her panic, a few black rocks shot up, cutting through Varian's shirt and vest, allowing it to cut through his skin. They began to rise and Varian winced in pain. One cut through his sleeve, cutting his upper arm in the process. One went all the way to his neck, under his chin and cutting that too. Finally, it cut through his cheek before Cassandra managed to gain control again. Tears and blood fell down the young alchemist face and onto the black rocks.
"Cass.." Varian said under his breath.
'Go on, Cassandra. Do it. Kill him.' It whispered again. It floated in front of Varian.
'You want to get me, don't you? Go on.' Cassandra's anger of it took control of her as she fired a sharp piece of black rock towards it, forgetting it didn't have a physical form.
"Don't do this, Cassandra!" Varian pleaded, but it was too late. Right once Varian yelled that, Cassandra realised what she'd done, but it was too late. She opened her eyes to see blood dripping from a hole in his chest where the black rock was. He's stopped moving after a few minutes. He was gone.


Now ik this made no sense and didn't match the drawing but I got distracted and had fun with this(because who wouldn't)

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