The Sun and The Moon

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Moon!Varian and Sun!Hugo(I swear it'll make more sense dw😭)

Irra= Iron kingdom


Varian had been getting reoccurring headaches all week. It seems like the closer the group got to Irra, the worse the headaches got. Varian was just reading about alchemy when Nuru shrieking was heard outside the tent. Varian slammed his book shut, throwing it down and running out of his tent to see what happened. There he saw a petrified Nuru, a confused Yong and a single sharp black rock. He froze in place when Hugo too came running out.
"What happened? What the- What's that?" Hugo asked.
"Black rocks. It's dangerous, so I wouldn't touch it if I were you," Varian's voice shook as the words came out. Varian's headache began to grow worse and he grabbed his head to try help. He groaned.
"Maybe we should get moving. Away from the rocks," Varian said, walking off to his tent to grab his stuff. Everyone else did the same and the journey to Irra continued.

Varian's plans to get away from the rocks failed. It was as if they were following him. Or he was following them. Either way, Varian's headaches only got worse throughout the trip, but he insisted that he was fine and didn't need to rest. Everyone knew that was a lie, but didn't pressure Varian as he was already in a bad mood. More and more rocks sprouted from the ground as they walked. Some of the previously black rocks were a bright red, but no one questioned it. Varian's mind, despite his banging headache, was all over the place with these rocks. Eventually, the group arrived at Irra, but it wasn't as they thought. The kingdom had been covered in the black and red rocks. Varian stopped in his tracks, his hairstripe flickered with a light glow a few times before stopping. Hugo saw something glow in the mess of black rocks. He walked up to it seeing a small yellow and blue stone. Having been a thief most of his life, his first instinct was to grab it and run, but he heisted for a second. He then tried to grab it, but got shocked.
"Arg!!" he pulled his hand back. Varian's headache got worse as he ran towards where Hugo's scream(?) came from. There, he saw the taller boy with a glowing yellowy-green stripe in his hair. Hugo looked away from the stone to see Varian who's hair how had two hairstripes, one his normal one but glowing a teal colour and one a white one. Both screamed.
"Goggles, you're fucking glowing!!" Hugo yelled.
"So are you, undercut!!" Varian yelled back, pointing to the new hairstripe in the other boys hair. Of corse, they began to bicker. More rocks formed around the two. Hugo's ponytail came loose and all his hair began to glow a bright yellow. Varian's hair began to glow a different hue of blue to his tealish hairstripe and the white and teal hairstripes remained the same. Yong and Nuru tried to call for them, but the boys could hardly hear themselves. Two people appeared.
"Hello the new holders of the sundrop and moonstone," they said in sync as the stone in the rocks split into its components.
"Instead of fighting like the last holders, your job will be to restore the moonstone and sundrop to their rightful glory," said the sun one.
"Which will mean you must work together to rebuild the kingdoms and return the stones to their rightful places," the moon one continued. The two boys stood there in shock as the two began to talk again.
"It won't be an easy quest, especially considering the fact that you're already on one currently," spoke the sun one once again.
"But we're certain you will be able to accomplish it. Are you ready to begin this quest?" the moon one asked, continuing what the sun one had said.
"What do have to do? Incase you didn't notice, we don't exactly see eye to eye," with Varian saying that, Hugo bent down to Varian's height, laughing. "Oh fuck you, Hugo."
Hugo continued to laugh, but spoke halfway through a laugh, "Also, incase you didn't notice, we've already gone through most kingdoms, smart asses."
"We are well aware of how many kingdoms you've gone through," spoke the sun.
"We just need you to restore peace to all seven kingdoms once more," followed the moon. Both boys walked towards the people together.
"Are you up for this quest? It could be incredibly dangerous," they spoke together. Hugo and Varian look at each other. The moonstone floated to Varian, the sundrop to Hugo. They nodded, grabbing the stones.
"We'll do it," they said in unison. A large blue and and yellow glow was seen as the two sprits of the sundrop and moonstone disappeared.



VAT7K/TTS one shots!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat