The Sun and The Moon: Part 2

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Varigo obviously


It's been a few weeks since that whole situation happened and the group had begun to help rebuild Irra from the wreckage. Now they were in their way to find the trial in Corona, the moonstone and sundrop stones now in their possession.
"Well, as long as we keep on track, it should only take a few more hours to get to Corona. It would be quicker if u knew how to use the black rocks, but I do not, so we'll have to deal with it," Varian smiled. Hugo stayed quiet while the others talked, laughed and smiled. Varian stepped back and towards the taller of the group.
"So, what's up with you, pretty boy?" he asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know, shortie?" Hugo replied, a smirk formed on his lips.
"Actually, yes. I would. We're a team, Hugh, wether you like it or not," Varian returned Hugo's smirk.
"Whatever," Hugo rolled his eyes, his voice softer then usual. "It's nothing though, serious." Hugo looked Varian in the eyes. Varian looked the other up and down slowly.
"Yeah, I can see when you're lying dipshit. Just tell me what's up," Varian said, winking. Hugo went a bit red, but luckily for him, it wasn't all that noticeable.
"Fine. I should tell you anyway. But, before I start, I just wanna say I'm sorry, Varian," Hugo began. He looked at the now very confused Varian. Everyone stopped to listen.
"I'm so sorry. All of you. I've changed now, and I mean that. I've... I've been working with Donella... I really don't want it to, she promised me a perfect life if I did it. And I was fooled enough to believe her. I've honestly... grown to like you divs. There's a reason you ain't seen her since the water trial, y'know," Hugo went in, begging to sweat. Everyone went silent.
Varian walked up to Hugo as he began to talk again, "You don't have to forgive me. I don't even expect you to." Tears began to well up in Hugo's eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. A pair of shorter, relatively thin arms wrapped around him.
"Hugo, after the other day, you proved to us- to me- that despite whatever intentions you came here with, you changed. It may take a while, but I'm positive we can forgive you. We- I..I- love and care about you, Hugo. That's not changing now. Thank you for telling us," Varian said, a smile on his face. He felt the taller boys arms wrap around him. Hugo continued to cry, not bothering to cry his tears and now had a small smile on his face too.
"Thank you... I..I love you too," Hugo mumbled, a stuttering, shaky, blushing mess. Nuru and Yong just sat back and watch as Varian wiped away a few of Hugo's tears. The stones, which had been made into pendents at Irra and were now around their necks, glowed as Hugo gave Varian a questioning look. Varian nodded. With that, the two slowly landed in. Their hairstripes began to glow. The two connected lips, having a relatively quick, yet loving kiss. Squealing could be heard from the younger two. The pendents amplified the sound of their quickened heart beats. The two broke the kiss, smiling.
"Guess it didn't take all that long, ey, hairstripes?" Hugo smirked, wiping away his tears.
"For me, yes. I just so happen to know first hand what it's like to be given a second chance, pretty boy," Varian smirked back. Hugo blushed, but a confused look on his face. Varian only answered with a smile.
"We should probably get moving again, ey?" Varian asked. Everyone nodded and the glowing slowly stoped.

The group had finished setting up camp a few hours ago. Ruddiger and Olivia were asleep, if you could call a robot resting sleeping. Nuru and Yong were also asleep. Varian and Hugo however were sat at the fire.
"So, about earlier. Was the kiss a heat of the moment kiss or an actual I love you king of kiss?" Varian asked, sweating. His usual stubborn persona he put up around Hugo had seemingly disappeared, replaced by his normal one.
"To be honest, I don't actually know. Would you like it to an I love you kiss?" Hugo asked. Varian blushed a deep red, his pendent beginning to glow. So did Hugo's.
"I guess that answers it," Hugo smiled. "Well, what now? Are we just gonna put it aside like we do with everything else?"
It took Varian a minute to reply, "No. if this would mean we start dating, I wanna take it slowly. If it doesn't, then, yeah. I'd say just push it aside. We've got more important things to deal with." Hugo nodded.
"I completely agree. We should take things slowly if you wanna do this. Don't rush into things. We have all the time in the world to figure this out, but for now, I say we just go slow and enjoy it," Hugo smiled. Varian, who's blush had faded a bit over the minute, blushed again.
"Yeah, let's enjoy it," he smiled. He put his hand on top of Hugo's. No more words were said from there. There didn't need to be. Just the sweet, comfortable si-
"AHHHHHHH!! VARIAN!! HUGO!! THERE ARE SOME- SOME-!" Yong yelled, getting dragged away from the tents, which were now destroyed, they were in.
"Woah, what is it, Yong, Nuru? What happened, what is... it...?" Varian began to run towards the younger two, but stopped when he saw the gang of Saporians in front of him. Yelling, pleading, screaming from the others for Varian to run, Varian heard none of it. He was frozen, all sound blocked from entering his ears. He didn't even notice his glowing pendent or the new red rocks. Andrew saw Varian was in a state of weakness so ran at his with a vial. Hugo threw his dagger at his before getting pinned to the ground by one Saporian. It worked to slow Andrew down, though. Yong tried to throw a few fireworks, but eventually, got picked up by another Saporian. Nuru decided to make a run for the dagger Hugo threw, some how making it. She threw it straight at Andrews leg, causing him to fall. It was too late. Nuru was pinned down too and the vial exploded in Varian's face causing him to faint immediately. Another Saporian took him, helping up Andrew too. The group  had also fainted from the vial, but it took Hugo longer.
"Leave them. We only came here for Varian," was the last thing Hugo heard Andrew say before his too fainted. The Saporians carried Varian away, more small black and red forming.


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