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Sorry for not uploading yesterday😭

Varigo lime(kinda) (I'm only a few seconds into writing this and I already regret it but this was the only idea I could think of.


Varian moaned with pleasure as Hugo's tongue explored his mouth. The two pulled away for air for a second before their faces crashed back into the others. Varian continued to moan, both guys not realising Yong was standing outside their tent waiting to tell them him and Nuru were about to leave to get some food. He opened the tent to see Varian's one of hands in Hugo's hair, one under his shirt and Hugo with one of his hands holding Varian's back to make sure he didn't fall and one hand between Varian's thighs. Yong was confused the say the least.
"Uhhh, I fell like I should tell you that me and Nuru are going to get some food. Am- Am I interrupting something?" he laughed, embarrassed. Nuru called out to him. Yong left, still confused and leaving a very flustered Hugo and Varian. Before long, they began to laugh.
"Well, it was bound to happen eventually," Varian said between laughs. Hugo just hugged Varian.
"Not how I thought that'd go down," Hugo laughed too. "I thought it'd be Nuru walking in on us." The two stopped laughing and just cuddled while waiting for the younger two to get back.

"Hey, Nuru," Yong started, picking a few berries, checking a book with berries to see if it was poisonous before putting it in a basket with the others. Nuru who was doing a similar thing with a few vegetables looked up from the book to face the younger boy.
"Yeah what's up, Yong?" she smiled.
"What's going on with Varian and Hugo?" he asked. Nuru looked at him, confused.
"I'm sorry?" she laughed.
"Like, when I went to tell them we were leaving, I saw them kissing, I think. Their tongues were in each other's mouths and-" Yong stopped when he saw how shocked Nuru looked.
"What?! Oh my- Yong, what else did you- Actually, nevermind! Stars, do they not know there's a 12 year old with us? Sorry, Yong, I started to ramble. How about you don't bring that up around then again, alright?" she was red considering what Yong just told her. The two went back to what they were doing in uncomfortable and awkward silence.

The two walked back to see Hugo and Varian sitting on a log waiting for them.
"Uh, hello?" Nuru smiled awkwardly.
"Heyy- Uh, Hugo and I need to say something," Varian looked away from the younger two. They sat down, waiting for Varian to continue, but Hugo did.
"Well, Yong, remember before you left? And what you saw? Uh well, we're dating and were," he coughed before continuing. "Kissing." Both guys went red from embarrassment. Nuru began to laugh.
"Next time don't kiss when there's a 12 year old around, stars," she said. "Also, don't hurt each other. I'm looking at you, Hugo." Hugo pretend to be hurt. They all began to laugh and talk until the sun began to set.


Not the hugest fan of this but whatever it's fine

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