Part 57 Loralay vs Nimiane

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Layla jolted awake, heart racing, unable to shake the feeling of dread that had woken her. She scanned the room, but the girl from the previous night was nowhere to be seen, and the maids were bustling about their tasks. Layla couldn't help but wonder why all this fuss was happening. She had nightmares about the girl, and now that she was awake, she was relieved that the girl wasn't there. Yet Layla felt uneasy as she wondered what her life would be like from now on.

As an old maid combed her hair, Layla's mind wandered to Farrar. Would she be allowed to visit him, or would he be allowed to visit her? Questions swirled around in her head, and Layla felt like she was in a daze. The queen didn't seem to like her very much, but at least she didn't want her dead. That was a small comfort for Layla.

As Layla made her way to the great hall, she felt a sense of unease. 

The atmosphere in the great hall was electric as Queen Nimiane made her way to her throne. Her icy demeanor was impossible to read, leaving the ministers to wonder what her motives were for calling all guild masters to be her guests. As Layla nervously entered the room, all eyes were on her, each one expressing a different emotion - some friendly, some sad, and some indifferent. The curious buzz was almost deafening as she was led to the center of the hall to sit on a simple stool, under the watchful eye of the colossal glass dome. Queen Nimiane rose from her throne, her scepter in hand, and a hush fell over the crowd.

"Today marks a historical day for Atlantion. We will set the foundation for a new order that will protect our beloved home from crumbling beneath our feet, leaving our children without their heritage," she proclaimed, her voice echoing through the hall.

As the murmurs began to rise, Queen Nimiane silenced them with another tap of her scepter.

"We will establish the Crystal Tree Order, with my niece Loralai as its first priestess. As you all witnessed last evening, the tree rejuvenated in her presence. She will be the savior of our home."

A voice from the tribunes interrupted, "Why wouldn't she be appointed as a successor?" The queen's face darkened, but she stood her ground.

"Our dear Loralai is uneducated in politics, and I fear it would bring instability to our homes. It is too heavy a burden to ask her to carry both the duties of a queen and a tree keeper. I will share the responsibility with her since I know how serious it is to hold it on our own."

More discussions erupted in the tribunes, with some arguing amongst themselves and others leaving the hall promptly. But the queen had other plans.

"Silence, my lords. Let us ask this child's opinion. I will be kind, as nobody was kind to me when I was young, and I offer her this chance," she boomed, turning to Loralai.

"Rise, my child, and come to me," her voice now soft and motherly. But to Layla, it sounded more like a spider luring its prey.

Trembling, Layla rose to her feet and walked towards the queen, meeting her cold and hypnotic gaze.

"Now tell me, my dear child, do you want to take my throne?" the queen asked, pointing to the white chair.

"Do you want to rule and take responsibility for all people of the Atlantion Empire?" Layla was stunned. What could she, a young girl who couldn't even remember her past, say?

The silence in the hall was deafening, but finally, Layla managed to stutter out a response.

"I... I, Layla... I don't know yet... I need time to adjust."

But nobody paid attention to her. The crowd was too busy arguing and listening to the queen's discourse about the future of the empire, its prosperity, and the division of power and responsibilities. Layla felt as though she had disappeared, like she was nothing more than a ghost or an alien spectator watching a TV program behind glass.

As the gathering came to an end, they voted for the formation of the Crystal Tree Order, which didn't shock Layla as much as the final decree. She was to marry someone soon to provide future members of the Order with blue blood to take care of the vital crystal tree of Atlantion. A handful of ministers had left before the voting began or remained petrified. Finally, the majority voted on her fate and that of her future children. It was a moment that would change her life forever.

Layla felt as though the ground had been pulled out from under her feet. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Marriage? Children? All of this was happening so fast, and she had no say in the matter. As she stumbled out of the great hall, the weight of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. She had always known that being the tree keeper was a significant responsibility, but she never thought that it would come with so many strings attached.

Her mind raced as she tried to come up with a way out of this. Was there any way she could escape this fate? But the more she thought about it, the more she realized there was no escaping it. This was her destiny, whether she liked it or not?

Layla's mind raced as she walked through the corridors of the palace. She couldn't stop thinking about the weight of her responsibilities and the lack of control over her own life. She knew that the crystal tree was vital to the survival of the city, but she also knew that she couldn't sacrifice herself for it. These people, who she had trusted and relied on, had just thrown her to the wolves. They didn't care about her feelings or her desires. All they cared about was the Crystal Tree, and what she could provide for it.

Layla knew that she had to be strong, that she had to find a way to cope with this new reality.

As she walked, Layla tried to come up with a plan. She needed to find a way to gain more power, more agency, over her own life. She couldn't let the Nimiane dictate her fate. She needed to take control.

But how? Layla thought. She wasn't a skilled politician, nor did she have any allies in the court. She felt isolated and alone, like a pawn in a larger game. But she refused to give up.

Layla took a deep breath and reminded herself of her duty to the city. She couldn't let her own desires get in the way of her responsibility to the people. But she also couldn't let the Crystal Tree Order control her life.

As Layla emerged from the palace into the bright light, she felt a sense of determination wash over her. She would find a way to gain more power, more control, over her own fate. She would not be a sacrificial lamb for the crystal tree.

And with that, Layla began to make her plans. She would need allies, resources, and above all, a strategy to outmaneuver Nimiane and her terrible daughter. But she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure that her own life was her own.

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