Part 43 Layla

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Layla's eyes widened as she looked around the room. It was almost as if time had stood still, and the air had grown thick with tension. She was in the presence of the Dark Duke, a powerful underworld lord with a fierce reputation for being unforgiving and ruthless. And yet, he had offered to help her.

"What kind of help are you offering?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, laced with a hint of suspicion. "I can't help but wonder what your interest is in all of this." Her eyes narrowed slightly as she searched his face for any clues.

The Dark Duke, whose name was Sabazios, simply stared at her, his piercing gaze unyielding. Layla could feel her heart racing as she waited for him to answer.

"She is not so stupid as I thought, Sabazios," he replied, propping his fat head with a paw. Layla couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the Katon's condescending tone.

As if sensing her thoughts, Sabazios shot her a vicious look that could make the fire burn brighter if it could burn. Layla suppressed a giggle, trying not to let her emotions show.

"So, what is the reason you are helping me, Mr. Sabazios?" she asked, determined to get an answer.

In an instant, Sabazios flung himself out of his chair, snarling as he grasped both sides of Layla's recliner. She felt a hiccup rising in her throat, and her eyebrows rose to her hairline. Layla opened her mouth in a silent scream.

His muscles bulged under his fine shirt, and with a tomb voice, he barked so loudly that her ears rang. "Never, ever call me that again!!!"

Layla felt the shock compress her chest, and her lungs struggled for air. She turned a bit blue and started to hiccup violently, like a distressed little child. The fire cat, Katon, pointed at her and started to puff his pipe again.

"You would better keep your mouth shut, or I will test your fur if it is dragon fireproof," replied the Duke.

"I am a fire spirit; you can try it," pouted the cat, puffing an enormous cloud of smoke in the Duke's direction.

The Duke's fiery green eyes lit up like two horrible lanterns, and the cat started clubbing the pillows. "Oh, no, no, no, have respect for an old man," he screamed, hiding behind a pile of books.

As the room grew quiet once again, Sabazios sat back in his chair, recomposing himself for the third time.

"I would be frank with you. I am proposing a contract," he said.

"A contract?" Layla asked, visibly incredulous. What could this underworld lord possibly want from her?

"Let me show you a path to your true self," Sabazios said, his eyes gleaming with a mysterious intensity. "I'm not just talking about your memories, but the essence of who you are. It's possible that you never even knew this version of yourself existed. Your past may seem like an irrelevant point, but in reality, it's the key to unlocking the truth. You see, most of what you believed about yourself was fabricated, a mere illusion. But with my help, we can peel away those layers and reveal the real you." Sabazios' mouth thinned as he spoke, his words carrying an aura of mystery and intrigue.

Layla was stunned. This all sounded like a total conspiracy, something completely out of her understanding or comprehension. But, one way or another, she had nothing to do but try to understand all this and sound agreeable.

"I want you to give me the power over Hadal Citadel that now is under the power of Atlantion," Sabazios continued.

Layla's eyes widened again. This man was more insane than he looked. How could he believe she would give him some Hadal Citadel that was in the power of some Atlantion?

"And who is this Atlantion? " she asked, trying to keep the skepticism out of her voice.

The red-furred cat's coughing intensified, and he began pounding the floor beneath his paws. It was a disturbing sound, almost like a warning. The Dark Duke remained stoic, but Katon, the cat, was clearly agitated. Layla's attention shifted from her boots to the cat, then back to the Duke as he spoke.

"Atlantion is the capital of the underworld empire; it is the domain of the powerful Queen Nimiane, ruler of the Immortal Cristal Citadel, and priestess of the Life Tree," the Duke explained in a low, ominous tone.

Layla's mind raced as she struggled to comprehend the implications of this information. She had heard of the underworld before, but this was something else entirely. The Duke spoke of a complex society, filled with different casts, families, and rules. He also mentioned an ongoing war between the assassin league and other magical beings, like elves and immortals. It all sounded like a fairy tale, too fantastical to be real.

But as Layla listened, a part of her began to feel excited. The thought of going on an adventure like this was exhilarating. It was a stark contrast to her mundane life at the hospital, watching the rain and the moon on lonely nights.

"What's my connection to Atlantion and its inhabitants?" she asked the Duke, hoping for some clarity.

"I suspect that you may possess certain powers, but I won't say anything for sure," the Duke replied, taking a swig of his golden drink.

Katon, the red-furred cat, protested vehemently. "You can't keep her in the dark like this!" he exclaimed.

"I don't want to cause any unnecessary commotion. But until we can confirm whether or not you have these powers, I would prefer you to keep your furry red radio shut," the Duke said sternly.

The Duke's piercing blue eyes flickered with a hint of amusement as he watched Layla struggle to make sense of the situation. He had a commanding presence, and Layla couldn't help but feel intimidated by him. She observed his sharp features, chiseled jawline, and neatly-trimmed beard, and wondered what kind of person he was beneath the cool exterior.

Katon's coughs grew louder, and Layla could feel the vibrations reverberating through the floor. She noticed the patterns in the tiles, how the cracks formed intricate shapes and lines. The air was thick with the scent of sandalwood and incense, mixed with a hint of something metallic. Layla wondered if it was the smell of blood.

As the Duke spoke, Layla could feel the weight of his words, the gravity of the situation. The underworld sounded like a place of danger and intrigue, where alliances were constantly shifting, and the stakes were high. She couldn't imagine what it must be like to live in a society like that, where magic was real, and war was a way of life.

Despite the danger, Layla felt a thrill of excitement. She had always been drawn to stories of adventure and heroism, and this felt like her chance to live one. She could already imagine the thrill of exploring the mysterious Atlantion, encountering strange and fantastical creatures, and uncovering secrets that had been buried for centuries.

The Duke's words snapped her back to reality, and she felt a surge of fear. The idea that she may possess powers was both exhilarating and terrifying. She had never felt like she was anything special, but now she was being told that she might be a part of something much bigger than herself.

Layla couldn't help but wonder what the Duke's true motivations were. Was he really trying to protect her, or was he using her for his own gain? She glanced at Katon, hoping the cat could provide some answers, but he remained tight-lipped.

As the conversation continued, Layla couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She felt a prickling sensation at the back of her neck, and the hair on her arms stood on end. She couldn't see anyone else in the room, but she had a sense that there were others lurking in the shadows.

The Duke's offer of protection came as a relief, but it also made her wonder what kind of danger she was in. What was so important about the Hadal Citadel that she needed to be escorted there under such secrecy and protection?

Layla had a sense that this was only the beginning of a long and perilous journey, and she braced herself for whatever lay ahead.

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