Part 50 Layla

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A river of sorrow and despair burst out of Layla. She didn't even realize when she had picked up a material roller and held it like a baseball bat. She was angry and ready to fight, even if it meant losing her life. Everything around her looked twisted and dirty, and even Helena's face seemed like a cunning mask.

Both women backed away from her, and only then did Layla notice that her hands and body glowed neon blue, just like the wings of the water fairies she had seen with Farrar.

Farrar, the only friend she ever had, had abandoned her too. He had betrayed her, probably traded her for something. How had the inquisitors found her so fast? What was the point of taking her to that ball? Couldn't she have stayed hidden in that underground workshop forever?

Sheban's eyes focused on Layla, and she handed her a hairpin - a very sharp one. Layla frowned, but didn't move a muscle. Helena smiled now but didn't intervene as Sheban walked forward. Layla thought of stepping back, but it would be a sign of fear, and she didn't want to lose the ground she had gained.

Sheban put down the sharp hairpin, made of black steel with intricate twisted leaves and branches that ended in a bloody rose; it gleamed beautifully in the candlelight.

"It's a peace offering. You should take it," replied Helena, as if reading Layla's mind.

"You should take your revenge when the time comes," whispered Sheban, smiling at Layla as if she knew her deepest secrets.

"Sheban can feel a broken heart and a woman's feelings. You are a kindred spirit to her now. So it's a revenge weapon. It looks frail, like a blooming rose, but it can penetrate the scales of a dragon," said Helena.

Layla wasn't sure what to make of it. But it was better than being attacked by a mad cavewoman. They had offered her a peace offering, even if it was a strange one.

"Now, let's get to the task at hand; we wouldn't want the Dark Duke to send Torture to fetch us," said Helena.

They spent an hour trying out different outfits made from original materials, ribbons, and other widgets, but they still hadn't found the perfect outfit.

Helena was changing outfits so fast that Layla's head was spinning. But finally, after trying on dozens of outfits, Helena sat down in a chair and propped her head in despair.

"This one will do," said Helena at last.

Layla was wearing wooden sabots that were between Japanese geisha sandals and Greek ones. She wobbled on them and asked, "Does this come with a walking stick? I might not be able to walk to the door in them, let alone another city."

"You're not very tall, and your head needs to stay above others. That was the command. Unfortunately, I can't help you," replied Helena, laughing.

Layla found the shoes uncomfortable, but not as awkward as the oversized bow on her deep blue floor-length tunic, which was bound in the middle with a big aquamarine bow. The focus was the tunic Layla wore, with sea creatures and waves printed on it, changing in the light of the candles like they were alive.

Sheban twisted Layla's hair with golden ribbons and blue silk, ending with two emerald hairpins for eyes. It wasn't her dream hairstyle, but it looked good enough.

Helena's sleeves were like storage compartments for all sorts of makeup, pencils, and other items that Layla had never seen before. As if by magic, Helena produced boxes and boxes of blush, eyeshadows, exotic paints, feathers, shimmering dust of all colors, and many other wonders from them. Layla was amazed by how much Helena could carry and still look light and graceful.

Helena was quick, although not as fast as Sheban. To Layla's relief, her makeup looked less strange than she had expected. She was now sporting aquamarine and golden eyeshadow, and her lips were so pale that it seemed like she had lost her mouth somewhere, much to her dislike.

Helena pushed the doors and strode away like nobody's business. Sheban disappeared under her mountains of fabric, leaving Layla wondering what she should do. She wanted to run after Helena, but the high-heeled shoes were making it difficult for her to walk.

"Are you coming today? We have 10 minutes to be in the central hall," barked Helena.

In front of Layla, there were a lot of fabric barricades to step over, and it seemed impossible. However, she twisted her long snake hair around one hand so she would not step on it accidentally, grabbed one side of the tunic in another, and went on.

Surprisingly, the shoes were more stable than she had expected, and it was cool to be so high up. It was dizzy at the start, but by the time she got near the door, it was okay, even fun.

"We don't have all day, girly," Helena told her, rolling her eyes.

They walked between lounged beauties, pools, and relaxing therapy rooms. Layla felt more confident about herself, and she noticed that a petite girl was following them. From time to time, the girl stopped to peek out at them from behind a vase or a little column. Helena didn't seem concerned and just strolled along the alleys forward.

"Who is this infant?" asked Layla, curious.

"She is one of the Dark Duke's children. Many children live here, and most prefer to play in the moon yards rather than these secluded places."

"Oh, so she is one of the Dark Duke's children. How many does he have?"

"Hm, let me think. A dozen or two, I do not keep count of them."

Layla would have asked more, but they were already in the entrance hall. The sight of Torture with his evil smile made her want to run the opposite way, but she didn't. Instead, she saw Fear and the Duke himself discussing something when they entered. It stunned her to see Fear smile at her for a moment.

"Well, Helena, you did a good job. Now we have to depart as soon as possible. Katon already left to prepare and inspect our commodities so that the blue witch Nemiane would not poison my soup until I get my castle back."

"We can always burst her bubble and kill her offspring," replied Torture, grinning evilly.

"This mouth of yours could be pretty kissable if it were not full of poison," replied Helena, raising one brow.

"Pampered bitch, forgot who saved your hides when Dio came with an army of shadows at Hadal citadel and wiped out the remains of the siren's house. You forgot the bloodbath that followed the alliance between the royal house and the dark assassins' guild. The crazy witch brought hell upon us all to get her daft mother's approval."

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