Part 5 Felis

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As the entrance door creaked open, Felis peeked into the dark room, her heart pounding with anticipation. Despite the absence of any light, she could see clearly with her night vision. Her eyes were drawn to the owner of the room, whose monumental figure was emphasized by the moonlight behind him. He leaned against the massive window, his eyes glowing like two neon orbs in the dark. Felis had been his assistant for seven years, but she still couldn't determine what kind of being he was. He never slept and had an aura of mystery that kept her on edge.

The owner was dressed in a business suit that contrasted sharply with his cascade of red, bloody hair braided with metal rings. Felis had to admit that he was a striking figure, despite his imperfections. He worked as a cheap investigator and never spent a penny, even though he was worth a fortune. Felis found this absurd, but she knew that even gorgeous men must have flaws.

As she lounged on the icy leather loveseat, Felis couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as memories of her childhood flooded her mind. She had learned to hide her emotions from a young age, as showing weakness on the streets meant certain death.

Felis had been a stray cat for as long as she could remember, and she had faced constant rejection and fear from the humans around her. People had thrown rocks and cans at her, and even other cats had chased her away from food and shelter.

But despite all of this, Felis had never given up. She had developed fierce independence and a stubborn determination to survive. Felis treasured Adam not only for his companionship but also admired him in other ways, captivated by his commanding presence and the alluring aura he exuded. As a former stray cat, she had learned to appreciate genuine connections, and being in Adam's company always left her feeling a little more alive.

"It must be important for you to be so edgy tonight," Adam raised his eyebrows pointedly.

"There's a corpse in the canal near the city walls," Felis said.

"Why would this body interest me? Is there something you're not saying?" Adam replied, his curiosity piqued.

"It's a young woman. I thought you'd want to see her before the police found her," Felis replied, sliding her finger across the voluptuous sculpture of a nymph beside the sofa. It looked valuable and exquisite, but the proprietor didn't care to dust it.

Although Adam was considering her offer, Felis knew that curiosity was one of the few things that would move him. She waited patiently, hoping that he would agree to investigate the case.


The damp air hung heavily around Felis and Adam as they dashed through the narrow, winding streets of the derelict neighborhood. The darkness that enveloped them was occasionally punctuated by flickering, buzzing streetlights that barely illuminated the way. But despite the uninviting atmosphere, Felis couldn't help but appreciate the scent of the wet rocks and the sight of moonlight reflecting on the puddles that dotted the ground. The summer's foul odors had been washed away by the rain, making way for the refreshing scent of nature.

As they turned a corner, Felis suddenly lost sight of Adam, but her attention was soon drawn to a figure standing on a nearby bridge. She watched as the silhouette disappeared into the darkness and reappeared moments later, leaving her bewildered by his peculiar behavior.

 But her confusion quickly dissipated as she caught sight of a translucent figure floating in the murky water below. The canal was a dismal place, the murky water reflecting the gray skies above. The stench of death hung thick in the air, mixing with the scent of summer rain and thunder. Algae clung to the brick walls, lending a sickly green hue to the desolate space.

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