Chapter 7: Project Shellfire (part 2)

Start from the beginning

You nodded in agreement and picked up the cloth. Hiccup than removed the cloth and you quickly covered the injury. Hiccup than took hold of the cloth from you and you stood to the side thinking this mystery man is becoming more of a threat every second, and the fact that he knew I was not from this universe, and he knew my full name...

At that moment yo6u stream of thoughts were interrupted by a massive boom that shook the island itself. You said "What was that?" Hiccup replied "The hunters are here, and it lookes like there gonna use that Shellfire to sink our island." You replied "Well what's the plan?" And to this Hiccup answered "We're going to secure the island first, make sure everything–including Astrid's health, is stable. Than we'll attack the hunters." You said "Okay I'll distract them while you and the Riders do this, than you can come as back up." "Out of the question, you could get seriously hurt or injured" He replied. You countered "I'm your only hope, let me go prove myself, plus I won't be alone I'll have Stormstriker." Hiccup sighed in defeat and said "Okay fine you win, but don't engage the enemy, you hear me? Retreat at the first sign of danger!" But you didn't reply as you had already ran out the hut towards Stormstriker who was playing with Toothless. You got onto her and said "Come on girl, we have a job to do" she growled in agreement and off you went towards the hunters.

Your plan was simple, destroy as many hunter ships as possible, there were about 50 or 60 of them surrounding the Shellfire. You flew towards them until you were right infron of them, you whispered to Storm "Okay girl, this is the battle of our lives, we may get hurt or even killed, but we have to protect the Edge, are you ready?" She roared on agreement and you dived down towards the onslaught of ships which had already started to throw projectiles towards you.

You dodged a flaming boulder from the first ship and blasted it with Storm's blue hot fire. The second and third ship you threw spines and and they sunk due to the holes in their hull. However before you could reach the fourth ship, a massive dragon emerged from the water beneath you, it was another titanwing, this time a titanwing Whispering Death, about 4 times as big as Storm, on top of the dragon was the mystery man standing there with one hand on of the dragon's spikes. The massive beast had the same lifeless expression as the previous titanwing under this man's control.

How many titanwings does this man have? You asked yourself. You stared at the Titanwing, with a mouth big enough to tear Stormstriker in half. The man laughed and said "You really thought you had gotten me? Oh no, I'm not that easy to defeat, you however are just one massive bite away from death, and I'm the one that's going to deliver that bite!" You replied "Who are you and what do you want!" And the man replied "I'm not going to answer any of those questions!"

The titanwing Whispering Death than sucked in the air around it and released a stupid amount of fire towards you which Storm dodged at the last second. You dived towards the water dodging and evading through the ships with the man right behind you. You heard the man shout "you can't escape me, I'm too powerful!" You said nothing and kept trying to fly away but even Storm could not outfly the large beast.

Suddenly the titanwing Whispering Death bit into Storm's tail and started to slurp on it like it was some long noodle piece, and even though we were flying at intense speeds you still felt Storm's body slowly being sucked into the titanwing's mouth. Storm roared in fear and anger and tried to get free but to no avail, you decided to do something really risky. By that point the titanwing had sucked half of Storm's body into it's mouth and was approaching her wings. You quickly got up and rushed towards the beast–punching it straight in the left eye. The dragon let go momentarily and roared in pain, it let of of Storm's body by throwing it towards the water. Both of you hit the water separately and started to sink. In the water you stated to swim towards Storm who was trying to locate where you were, you got to her and saw that her tail armour had been completely ripped off exposing grayish skin with blood coming out. You quickly got on her back and together you flew out of the water. You said "Come on girl, let's take our revenge!" She roared in agreement and you to flew towards the Whispering Death titanwing in a ramming position. The man saw us do this and dived the Whispering death towards us with its mouth wide open and the rows of teeth rotating like crazy. At the last second you dodged right and Storm used her tail and cut deep into the titanwing's body and kept cutting until she reached the tail of the dragon, now with half of the dragon's left side cut up, it crashed into the water and for the second time, the mystery man went under.

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