XX. Divorce?!

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Days turned into weeks and the time passed for the Fentons, ever since they met Plasmius and for some; their world turned around. Thankfully, no creepy incidents or anything extreme had taken place in their lives, allowing the two halfa to take a deep breath; relax and focus on their lives.

There was the occasional ghost hunting some nights, but things seemed to have calmed down. Even the ghosts seemed to have disappeared or at least leave the human world and the halfa; alone.

Lina had no other contact with Vlad, but she did keep track of what she saw on the news about him. She would not contact him first, allowing him to have the satisfaction. There were times she had questions, but her friends tried their best to be there for her.

At least, the quiet time allowed her to practice her new ability. While she could not create an ectoplasmic beam, she could shoot it from her eyes. It was an uncomfortable thing to do at first and in her human form, she did have to use eye drops for a while. But then she got used to all of that, and now she proudly used it. Although aiming was still a bit tricky and thus saved it for the most proper of occasions.

Now that everything had turned back to normal, Danny grabbed the chance and walked into the basement lab. He had a book in his hand and he was heading for his father, who was busy working on the Specter Speeder in the middle of the lab.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?" he asked, lowering the book and focusing on his working father.

Jack stopped working at the cockpit and looked at him. "About the Specter Speeder?" he wrapped an arm around Danny. "Sure!" he wasted no time shoving Danny into the cockpit of the Specter Speeder, then sat down next to him. He pointed at the dashboard. "This baby has state-of-the-art spirit plane exploration technology. And it's got a *Presses button* super-sized cup holder."

While Jack was busy showing his latest invention to Danny, his wife climbed down the stairs and walked towards the machine. Lina stood by the stairs, watching from afar and listening. She did not like how things looked, mostly because something was bothering Maddie.

Now with some free time, Lina observed Maddie while working and even got the chance to help with some equipment. She found it a nice passage of time but also something useful, getting knowledge for a machine that might end up being turned against them, either by the Fentons, Vlad or someone else.

However, she could see that something was in her mind. She let out sigh after sigh but did not talk about what was bothering her. So Lina, that day, grabbed the chance to follow and see; maybe she could realize and help.

"Jack, dear... " her husband stepped out of the Specter Speeder and stood next to her. "It's getting late. Is there something that you might have forgotten today?"

"Uh..." Jack was fully clueless.

"Something significant? Having to do with today's date of May 9th?"

Lina looked at the calendar on the wall. There was a picture of Jack and Maddie on their wedding day pinned to May 9th, with arrows pointing to it and "Happy Anniversary" written above it.

"9th, 9th, 9th. 9th! 9th? Nope. Still not catching your drift" Jack was still clueless and scratched his head.

"Our anniversary, dear? Oh well, I guess it just slipped your mind... " she started to shake and suddenly burst out in anger "...for the eighteenth year in a row!"

She slammed her fist down on the end of the Specter Speeder, causing it to start up and shift into drive with a surprised Danny still inside.

"Huh?" the boy exclaimed as the Speeder began to fly forward. "Whoa!"

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