XVI. Family Trip

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[A/N] - So, I have skipped two episodes. The one with Baxter and the mirror, because only Danny gets trapped there and there is not much for Lina to do. The second one is with Nazire, mostly because the story is narrated by Tucker and talks about his friendship with Danny. 

I did not want to ruin that. Do not forget to let me know in the comments!


The clock ticked and the time showed 9:57 pm. 

Rarely anyone was out but the male halfa known as Danny. He was riding home on his electric scooter and was just returning from Tucker after the two friends spent some time together playing video games.

 His adopted sister was already waiting for him at home, worried.

At 10 pm, it was their curfew and they had to be home by then. However, lately, with all that ghost hunting, this proved to be a problem. This was why, Lina had chosen to return home from Sam, even earlier than usual.

To be certain.

She did not want to be grounded and she did not want to disappoint the Fentons. It was odd. Someone would think that as the family that raised her, she would not have such fears and she would be more like Danny.

However, that was not the case. 

Lina always felt the odd one out. Not to mention that the two scientists were not exactly the best at hiding their natural favouritism of Jazz and Danny over her. She always felt as if she was a mere guest, not once calling the adults something more than their original names.

She did not want to be a burden by nature, and she always aimed to be good enough. Especially for the Fentons. And after the whole became a ghost' incident, she tried even harder to maintain that image.

It was not the best thing a child should think of and not the right way to be raised, but it was part of her personality. By now, it was almost natural to her to be this way, her actions always having been well thought out. Perhaps this was why she was so different from Danny during a battle, for she was used to thinking things through before acting.

She was laying on her bed, tossing a stress ball up in the air and catching it as it fell. She wanted Danny to return home, so her thoughts could be at peace. She was worried that something might delay him again.

It was okay if the ghosts attacked after the curfew. By locking themselves in their rooms, they could hunt them down. 

Suddenly, she caught the ball and her ghost senses went off.

Oh no, she thought and looked outside. Quickly changing to her ghost form and she knew Danny was close. She flew outside quickly, hoping she can help him and he makes it back in less than 3 minutes.


Flying outside, she spotted Danny in his ghost form, levitating above a rooftop and facing three old ghost vultures. She lifted an eyebrow and approached, noting that they had never seen those three before.

"You fellas look lost. Um, any chance of you staying that way?" he asked them.

"Mind your own business, fancy pants, ghost boy." One of the vultures said.

"Hey, this is rude!" Lina said, coming into the conversation.

However, those three birds ignored her and instead chose to fly down and phase into a bus. The two siblings and friends exchanged a look before doing the same, landing in the aisle of the bus. 

To their surprise, the vultures were sitting in their seats, chilling and talking to one another.

"Hey, we've been circling this town for hours. We could have been halfway to Florida by now. Ask for directions" one of them said.

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