XV. Here Comes Technus

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Around an hour had passed since Tucker arrived at Sam's house and found out about her heritage. Yet, since that hour they had still to see a movie because the techno-geek was busy asking the usual questions, asking for someone with a lot of money.

"Tucker, are we watching movies or not?" Sam asked, her annoyance hearable in her voice ad visible on her face.

"Okay, okay. Just a few more questions" Tucker begged, sitting on a chair with popcorn and soda. Lina rolled her eyes but stayed quiet. "Could you buy a plane?"


"A yacht?"


"Um...a bowling alley?"

"Nope." Before Tucker could ask why, Sam pressed a button on a remote and the movie screen on the wall, started to slide out of view. In each place, it revealed a four-lane bowling alley. "There's no place to put a second one."

"Yet" Lina commented, knowing that if Sam's parents decided to upgrade and expand the house, they would easily do it.

Turning to look at the bowling alley, she spotted Sam's grandmother, Ida, riding out on a motorized scooter and rolling a bowl, getting a strike.

"Yippee! Bubbe's hot tonight!" the old woman said, pumping her fist in the air.

Lina copied her moves. "You go Granny Ida"

Of everyone in Sam's family, the old, kind grandma was the best one. Always supporting Sam despite her extreme decision, she would offer her a smile and comforting words. While the adults never took her seriously because of her age, Lina was happy Sam had someone inside the house.

Ida had been the most welcomed when Sam first introduced Lina to her, always happy to see the girl coming over to the house or being around Sam. While her parents were neutral towards it, the kind old woman was always willing to offer her some food or cool stories.

The movie screen wall closed back over the bowling alley after Sam pressed a different button.

Tucker then sniffed the air. "That's weird because you don't smell stinking rich"

That made Sam leave out a sigh and take a seat next to Lina, making her be between Tucker and her. "Will you stop it? That's the whole reason I didn't tell anybody"

"But I don't get it. With all this money, why do you hang out with me and Danny? If you flash a little of that bling, you'd be Miss Popularity!"

It was Lina's turn to leave out a sigh, Tucker not understanding. One of the many things the two girls had in common, was their mindset of how unnecessary and stupid popularity was. They were smart enough to see how fast the scales and hierarchy could change. 

And they would prefer to be themselves and be surrounded by true people, than brainless fake friends, who would eventually dump them when they got the chance.

"I don't need popularity, Tucker, especially not if I have to buy it"

"You should tell that to Danny. Can you believe people spent good money on that old junk from his parents' shed?" Sam said and Lina shivered slightly.

Just thinking about that stuff, she had a bad feeling about it. After defeating Technus, the lab and the staff were not the same. Danny was often, very ignorant of that stuff or did not seem to have such a connection with his ghost half as she did.

It was not new for her to just feel stuff or have better cognition even in her human form. While Danny many times treated his other half, as a different personality, Lina felt that hers was the same person.

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