IX. Failed Biology Test

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In the docks of the hometown of our heroes, no soul could be seen as the clock showed it to be past 7 at night. The sea itself was peaceful and the warehouses were built in rows, hosting many boxes and items for the locals or those living away.

In one of those buildings, the Box Ghost phased through a wall and crashed into a pile of boxes. Danny phased through to just in front of the wall, and they both turned visible.

"Beware! I am the Box Ghost!" the small loud ghost said and gestured for the boxes all around them. "I have power over all containers cardboard and square"

"Okay, can we get this over with? I've got a test to study for" Danny asked, not truly seeing the short ghost as a challenge.

He had been out with Lina for hours, hunting down ghosts while also trying to multi-task with his studies for tomorrow's test.

"Study? There will be no time to study * hands begin to glow green and he raises boxes into the air* when you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of *Reading off a shipping label* Elliot Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!"

He turned to Danny, his eyes and the floating boxes glowing green before he sent the boxes and their contents flying at him. Danny simply turned intangible and the contents hit the wall behind him.

Leaving out a sigh, he turned tangible again. "I don't have time for this! Lina!"

Suddenly, Lina appeared behind the box ghost with her eyes glowing red and her hands folded in front of her chest. The Box Ghost turned in shock.

"Boo," she said and punched him on the cheek.

The small ghost flew and landed on some boxes, knocking them on him in the process.

"Hey Tucker, let's go!" Danny ordered.

Tucker and Sam kicked down the door and jumped into the room, Tucker carrying a Fenton Thermos and Sam a biology textbook.

"Good night everybody!" the dark-skinned pre-teen said as he took the lid off the thermos and activated it. Lina grabbed the Box Ghost and threw him into the beam of the thermos, causing him to scream as he got sucked in. "Perimeter secure" he cupped the thermos.

"Perimeter secure? What are you, a Navy Seal?" Sam asked as Danny landed next to Tucker while Lina floated next to her.

"Seals: aquatic mammals that bark. They're canines, right?" the male Halfa asked.

"Wrong" the Goth replied after checking the textbook. "That's zero for twenty-one"

"I'm no teacher, but I'm guessing that's an 'F'" Tucker said as he spun the thermos on his finger.

"Come on, you guys. *Flies up in between them* If you're gonna be superhero sidekicks, you're gonna have to be a little more focused. *To Sam* You're supposed to be helping me and Lina study for the test tomorrow. *To Tucker* And you're supposed to be helping us catch these ghosts, so we have time to study!"

"What? They're all right here" Tucker said as he kept spinning the device.

"Tucker careful" Lina warned him as she turned back to her human form and went to grab the thermos.

"What? I am careful"

On cue, the thermos fell off Tucker's finger and onto the ground. The word "RELEASE" appeared on its side screen and the cap busted off to release multiple ghosts in business suits, who phases out of the building. 

The Box Ghost was also released and flew into the air. "Haha! I am the Box Ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a *Mimics the shape of a thermos with hands* cylindrical container" he phased through the wall.

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