XVII. Vlad Masters

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The day of the reunion had arrived much sooner than anyone expected. Jazz, Danny and Lina had found themselves in the back of the RV, as Jack was driving down the road towards Wisconsin. 

Of the three of them, only one was the most annoyed by the situation.

"How does this happen? You goof up, and I have to spend four days jammed in the Fenton Ghost RV? And how are you okay with all of this?" she asked, the last one being directed to Lina, who sat at the other side of Danny, looking outside.

The female halfa shrugged her shoulders. She was generally, the most tolerant with the Fenton adults, just going along with whatever scheme and idea they had. It was part of her character too. Not to mention that she always had too many things in her mind to properly focus on them.

At that moment, them spending 4 days in Wisconsin. 4 days with ghosts roaming free in their city and no one controlling or stopping them. 4 days away from their friends, who if they end up in danger, would not be able to help them.

The only good thing was the fact that she had Danny, so she wouldn't be alone surrounded by all those middle-aged people. Plus, Sam and Tucker had agreed that if anything was out o the ordinary, they would call.

In her ghost form, she suspected she could be fast enough to return to the city, help deal with the situation and return to Wisconsin without anyone noticing. She had not told Danny yet, since his parents most likely would have their eyes on him.

She, on the other hand, was always very quiet and invisible. Both in the house and in the school. It was kind of her role. Ironically:

The Ghost.

Not talking to anyone, not truly participating in class and only speaking when asked a question. Not in any big group or some activity. She was always good at not standing out, almost by nature someone would say.

It was odd but she had accepted. It also proved useful in times like those, where she needed to sneak out to...fight ghosts for example. Or spy on others and stay informed, because this might save someone, herself or Danny from a serious situation.

"That's the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle, folks. Every button in this baby is a ghost's worst nightmare." Jack said, his eyes never leaving the road.

He was the one driving while Maddie, in the passenger seat, looked at the map and gave him directions. Because of having all those modern and high-tech weapons, they could not and did not trust a GPS unless it was leading them to ghosts.

"Ugh. I need some air" Danny said, making some air with his hand to emphasize his point, while also feeling genuinely sick at the idea that the vehicle they were in was designed to hunt and harm down ghosts.

This thing, of hours being locked inside the van, and hearing about weapons that can harm and injure ghosts, was for obvious reasons, very unsettling to him. With Lina too, which was why she did her best to zoon out and not listen to any of this.

He pressed a button randomly, just as Jazz noticed.

"Don't press any buttons!" she shouted but it was too late.

Several weapons suddenly appeared on the outside of the GAV. A laser shot a chunk out of a tree, another weapon froze the bird mid-air, causing it to fall, and another laser zapped a guy talking on his cell phone while driving, charring his face. A hose then waved around and shot green goo on Jazz's head.

"Uhm...Jazz....you got....something..." Lina said, trying to keep a serious face but failing while motioning with a finger at the stuff on her hair.

Jazz simply glared at both, but mostly at Danny since he had pressed the button, "I'll get you for this."

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