XXI. Under Arrest

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Lina wasted no time increasing her grip on Danny's upper arm to a point that the boy could feel pain but he was too shocked to truly focus on it. He merely stood there until his sister pulled him fast towards the door, trying to fly outside the room. 

This seemed to snap him from his initial shock. "Sorry!" the male halfa shouted as he was dragged out of the room and then the duo quickly closed the door behind them.

Both panting, their chests going up and down as they leaned against the door. If they had beating hearts in that form, they would beat at a very high rate. As both tried to calm down, they failed to notice that the door had started to drift downward.

"Oh, man. Every one of these doors goes into another ghost's lair?! I'm never gonna find that present. My folks are gonna get divorced and it's gonna be all my fault." Danny started to panic again, no one could truly blame him.

Lina looked at him, also getting worried but trying her best not to make things worse. "Hey, hey Danny. Calm down" he looked at her. "We will find this present, help your parents and everything will be back to normal," she said, taking his hand and giving him a reassuring squeeze.

Danny kept looking at her, slowly calming down. He was thankful he had Angel with him, to support him....everything was overwhelming but she seemed to be able to handle it just fine. A part of him was jealous and he wished he could be like her.

Instead, his mind was a big mess. Yet, he took a moment to appreciate she was with him. She didn't have to come but she did either way, and she would not let him down. For that, he mentally promised himself to not let her down either.

They were in this together.

Snapping from his thoughts, he was the first to notice the door descending with them on it. He jumped off before reaching the ground, still holding Lina's hand. They were levitating slightly above a dark and ominous forest, filled with tombstones. Danny gasped quietly and Lina gawked, eyes wide open.

While Sam loved the scary movie and they had watched together a lot, Lina still did not like them. Despite everything she had faced so far, she still found them creepy. One of those things was anything related to tombstones and graveyards. It simply gave her bad chills whenever she even thought about them. Something quite ironic if one considered that Angel was a half-ghost and thus, half-dead in a matter of sense.

Suddenly, the tombstones closer to them started to rattle as some wailing was heard. Some glowing green skeletons popped out of the dirt and wasted no time to try and grab the half. Lina flew up in hopes of escaping, while her brother started to float backwards. This eventually caused their hands to get separated. 

The male Halfa tripped over the door behind him but managed to save himself and fly up quickly, joining his sister.

"Relax, Danny." Sam was heard in the earpiece. "We all just have to stay focused".

Lina swallowed a lump in her throat and looked around in alarm. "Now it is not the time Sam"

She was glad they had their friends with them, in a way. But seeing and facing it from close were two very different things. On top of that, Sam loved such stuff so, of course, she would be the calmest in everything.

There was no reply and the two halfa exchanged a look before deciding to continue forward. With nothing truly stable in that world, no clock on them and no sun or moon to guide them; they were unaware of how long they were inside, let alone float.

At last, the combination link came to life and to their surprise; it was Tucker. The tech genius was messing around in the Speeder and found out that there was a scanner, for real-world items. As super convenient as that sounded to Lina, she did not comment and let her friends guide her.

The Other HalfaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin