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tw: implications of sh scars

"Wait, Y/N, I wanna do one more thing before I go."


As I reconnect my gaze to his, I almost stagger back as he grasps my face, his lips crashing against mine. Initially, I gasp into the kiss, my body tensing up under his touch, before I melt into him, kissing back. His thumbs run gently over my cheekbones as his tongue slides over mine. Trailing his hands down my body, he grips my waist, pulling my impossibly closer to him. As he moans softly into mouth, I hurry to push open my door, pulling him inside.

In a deft movement, he has me against the door as soon as I shut it. My breath hitches in my throat as he kisses down my neck, sucking a trail of hickies. He grips onto my hips, burying his face into my neck as he continues to kiss me. "Bedroom?" I murmur.

"Bedroom," he confirms. I take his wrist, leading him through to my bedroom. He shuts the door behind himself, guiding us backwards until my knees hit the bed and I fall back onto it, pulling him down with me by his tie, and kiss him again, my entire body tingling at the sensation of his lips pressed to mine.

Jackson starts to push off my cardigan; I hurriedly grab his wrists to stop him. "Wait, um," I say, and his expression falters.

"Are you okay?" he asks in concern.

"Yeah, I- I just..." I really don't know how to put it without sounding dumb. "Before we do anything, I should, um, I should tell you.. I kind of, uh, have a lot of... scars," I mutter. "So.. it might be kinda... disgusting, I'm sorry."

"Scars from like, being an FBI agent? 'Cause they would be fucking sick, li-" he starts.

"No no, not those kinds of scars. Um, scars from... uh..." My voice trails off, not quite knowing how to phrase it.

"Oh. Oh."

I avoid his gaze, feeling a lump start to form in my throat. "I'm sorry," I say. "It's okay if you-"

He stops me talking by kissing me deeply, his hand resting on the back of my head. As he pulls away, his face remaining just a few inches from mine, he says, "That's fine, baby." Oh my God? "Doesn't make you any less hot to me."

"Oh, um," I stammer, feeling my face heat up. "G- great." I smile softly, my gaze tracing over his features.

"You still wanna do this?" he asks, his hands trailing down my sides to grasp my waist as he nuzzles his head into my neck, kissing softly.

"Mhm," I hum.

He brings his lips back to mine, my body feeling like it's going up in flames under his touch. The kiss is full of want, full of need, full of desire.


"Stay here with me," Jackson grumbles, burying his face into the pillows and reaching out for my hand.

"I'll be back in, like, two seconds," I tell him, pulling on a loose T-shirt and underwear. "If I don't go to the bathroom, I'll get a UTI."

"Gross," he mutters.


Patting his cheek lightly, I stand up on slightly shaky legs and head into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind myself. After I wash my hands and shake them dry, I observe myself in the mirror. Eyes trailing over my messy and slightly sweaty hair, my fingertips graze lightly over the trail of slightly sore, dark hickies down my neck. I'll have to find a way to cover them up in the morning, seeing as I have to go to work to do the paperwork for today's case. I rub my hands up and down my upper arms, where fading scars cover the skin. He'd been sweet about them, even kissing them softly to make me feel better about myself- the ones on my thighs, too.

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