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tw: very brief mentions of smut/sex

"I didn't do anything!" William yells, fury burning behind his eyes. "I didn't kill those girls, I swear, man!"

My gaze shifts up and down his body, taking in his stance, his body language, all of his gestures, through the glass. His fists are clenched, sat on the table. He doesn't fight against the handcuffs that keep him bound to the table, though.

"I swear to fucking God, dude, I didn't kill them!" William shouts again.

"So who did?" Reid asks.

"I don't know! For God's sake, man," he mutters.

"I think he's being sincere," I tell Hotch, glancing over at him as I cross my arms over my chest. "A guilty person would be fighting against the handcuffs by now. And his blinking rhythm implies innocence and honesty."

Hotch nods. "Agreed."

"Why, when asked to describe who you saw last night, did you not do so?" Morgan questions.


"Because what?" Reid pushes, leaning forwards ever so slightly.

"Because I'm an actor, and someone paid me to 'find' this girl while she was getting shanked," William sighs loudly. "But she didn't tell me I'd have to describe what anyone looked like, so I just made summat up!"

Morgan and Reid glance at each other. "Who paid you?" Morgan asks.

"Why would the unsub pay him to find the vic?" Hotch mutters, furrowing his brows.

I chew my cheek before saying, "To throw us off the trail."


"FBI nobody move!" Hotch yells as the team floods into the club, having finally found the unsub, thanks to William. However, he'll still be getting a sentence for being an accessory to crime, but Hotch will speak to the DA about reducing his sentence due to his cooperation.

And now that we know who the unsub is, I've realised why I recognise the sketch. It's because the unsub is the stripper we talked to: Lisa.

The club erupts into yelling and screams as panicked customers hastily glance around, fear swimming in their eyes. I catch a glimpse of Reid looking at me; his jaw clenches and his muscles tense as I stare him in the eye. He looks away quickly, his grip tightening on his gun.

Once we've finally detained Lisa, dragging her to one of the cop cars outside while she yells and struggles against the handcuffs and Morgan's strong grip, we head back to the precinct. Thankfully, I'm not in with Reid on the drive back.

Back at the precinct, Hotch and Prentiss interrogate Lisa, but she refuses to speak. After around fifteen minutes of them trying to get something out of her, while the rest of us are occupied with other things, Hotch and Prentiss leave the interrogation room and approach me.

"Y/L/N," Hotch says in a firm voice. "Lisa said that she won't talk unless it's you in there with her." I remain silent as he speaks. "Go in, try to get something out of her. Reid will be in there with you, too, but won't speak unless necessary."

I almost sigh, but I manage to hold it back. Why couldn't someone else be in there with me? But I guess it's part of the job, I'm going to have to learn to get along with everybody I come across. "Okay," I respond with a nod.

I glance over at Reid, briefly, as I start to head to the interrogation room where Lisa is sat. I make to open the door, but instead Reid slips in front of me and opens it instead. I'm stupid to think that he'd maybe hold it open for me: he lets it close in my face. Sighing to myself, I grab the handle and shove the door open, shooting a quick glare over to Reid as I close it behind myself. He rolls his eyes slightly, folding his arms over his chest.

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