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The elevator stops at the lobby, the doors slowly screeching open. I let Reid step out first, before I follow after him. As we head over to where the rest of the team- minus JJ and Morgan- stand, Rossi chuckles slightly.

"Kid, your tie isn't right, come here," the older man says.

Reid bites the inside of his cheek, glancing down at his tie self-consciously, as he steps over to Rossi. As Rossi fixes up Reid's tie, straightening it out and fixing the collar of his shirt, Reid smiles fondly. It's the first time I've ever seen him smile since I started this job, and it's a good look on him. I realise that maybe Reid views Rossi as a father figure, but I can't assume anything.

As soon as Morgan and JJ get to the lobby, we leave the hotel to head to the precinct. Reid and I are, fortunately, in seperate SUVs for the drive. I'm with Prentiss, Rossi, and JJ, and the rest of the team are in the other vehicle.

"So, Y/L/N," Prentiss starts, turning to look at me from the passenger seat, "how're you finding the job, besides from Reid glaring daggers at you every second?"

"Emily," Rossi warns, although there's a faint smile on his face.

"Don't 'Emily' me!" Prentiss laughs, and JJ allows an amused giggle to leave her lips. "So, Y/N?"

I smile slightly. "Yeah, it's , um, it's great here. I like it, a lot. You're all too nice, as well."

"Other than Spence?" JJ adds in.

"Yeah, maybe other than Reid," I respond, trying to laugh it off. But I can't. I just don't understand why he's so... rude to me. "Do you know why he's being like this to me? Is he like this with everyone?" I ask.

"He just doesn't respond well to change. I'm sure he'll start being nicer soon," JJ replies. "Just give him a bit of time. He's the sweetest guy ever, I promise."

I nod, shifting my gaze to look out the window. Blurs of green and grey speed past outside as we continue the drive to the precinct. Once we finally arrive, we step out of the car and wait for the others for a few moments before heading inside. Almost the second we step foot into the room we've been designated, the Lieutenant of the precinct hurries up to Hotch and announces something none of us want to hear over this case, or any case for that matter.

"We've got another victim," he says, and before anyone can speak, he continues, "but she survived. She's in the hospital right now, with only three stab wounds, compared to the other victims' six."

"Is there a reason for this, that you're aware of?" Rossi asks the Lieutenant.

"While the killer was attempting to kill her, a man heard her screaming and came to help. The killer got scared and ran away," he explains. "The guy who found her is in the waiting room."

Hotch nods, then turns his gaze over to JJ and I. "JJ and Y/L/N, talk to the witness. If he saw what the unsub looked like, get a sketch artist. Morgan and I will talk to the victim."

JJ and I both nod, briefly glancing at each other, before we head out. I follow her to where the waiting room is. The witness stands up upon our entry, his gaze flickering between the two of us. He's tall, and muscular. His dark eyes contrast against his bleach blonde hair that hangs down to his shoulders.

"Hi there, I'm Agent Jareau, this is Dr Y/L/N, with the FBI. We'd like to ask you some questions about last night," JJ tells the man.

"Of course," the man nods, speaking with a thick London accent.


"I was in a pub across the street from where I found the girl, with my mates. I went out for a quick fag- oh, a ciggy- and I heard someone screaming," the witness, William, explains. "I was gonna leave it, 'cuz like, I thought it was just some kids messin' about, y'know. But then she started yelling for help as well, so I, like, stubbed out the cig 'nd ran over to where I heard the screaming."

JJ and I both nod, and I continue to jot down short notes from his account of what happened. "Where was she, when you found her?" JJ asks.

"She was like, all the way behind the strip club next to a bin," William answers. "It was dark and shit, but I could see that the poor girl was bleeding a lot, it was like coming out her mouth and stuff. It was fucking gross."

He's speaking quickly; his ramblings are filled with panic. "An- and I was like, well shit, what do I do? I was- I-" He exhales harshly, pinching the skin on the back of his hand. "Sorry, I'm not making sense."

"No no, it's okay," I assure him. "Take your time. Would you like a glass of water?"


"Of course. I'll be right back," I respond, nodding to him as I stand up. I throw a quick glance to JJ as I leave the room, and she smiles softly at me whilst I close the door behind myself.

Once I've got the glass of cool water, I head back. But of course, with my luck, I nearly walk face first into Reid on the way back, almost spilling the water over us both. "Watch where you're going, Y/L/N, for God's sake!" he snaps, shooting me a withering glare.

"Sorry," I mutter. "I- I didn't mean to. I'm sorry; I wasn't paying attention."

"Clearly," he scoffs, stalking away from me and not sparing me a second glance. I chew my lip for a brief moment before heading back to JJ and William.


We have a sketch of what William described the unsub as: an average height, muscular, white man who wore a balaclava. However, Hotch and Morgan arrive back to the precinct with a sketch from the victim, which is completely different to what William told us.

"Well," Prentiss sighs.

I study the sketch of the victim's description of the unsub, my gaze flickering over the details. It looks familiar, nearly, but I can't work it out.

"JJ, call William back here. We need to interrogate him. He could be working with the unsub or for the unsub. Make up a lie to make him get back here," Hotch instructs, and JJ responds with a nod, pulling her phone from her pocket.

She leaves for a few moments to make the call, before coming back and telling us there was no response. Immediately, Hotch calls Garcia and gets William's address from her. As soon as she gets it and tells him, Hotch thanks her and hangs up.

"Let's go," Hotch instructs, nodding to us all.

Everyone else seems to understand what he means, following him out of the precinct, so I follow suit. We head for the SUVs, strapping on the bulletproof vests as we climb inside. As I hastily take a seat beside Reid in the back of a vehicle, Morgan and Prentiss in the front, makes sure that his body is as far away from mine as possible. Petty.

Well, I mean, petty? Yes. But, God, it still doesn't stop whatever this is that I feel for him. But damn I wish it would. He clearly resents me, yet my brain won't let go of the thought of him and I... together, I guess, or just something. Anything other than what this is right now. Anything other than Reid despising me, hating every cell in my body.

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