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The men all were dressed like stable boys, and knights, and in a bunch of different costumes and the woman's hair were done in many styles but they all looked elegantly beautiful. The woman named Margaret came shuffling towards us with two small circular crust pies.

I still didn't understand what was going on in the slightest, since when did Raven Castle have fairs? The estate hadn't been functioning except for tours for my whole entire life. Sydney got me the job there when I told her I needed to save up for college. I was hesitant at first to accept the job because of all the memories.

I had with my dad and I came here because I needed money for college. I am now sitting here in this tavern on an Island that I know very well, I am starting to question if I know this island at all. Margaret placed the wooden tray that the pies were on down onto our table and before we could say anything else rushed away. 

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