Ch. 3.3 - A Warrior's Choice

Start from the beginning

I asked in wonder, "Hmm...Is this mirror the only way we can communicate? How else can you see me?"

"...Actually, I can see you from many different perspectives. Like, I can also see from behind you."

"Behind me?" I asked as I looked back.

There was nothing there but the window.


"The window...," I said as I got up from my seat.

As I got near the glass panes, a faint reflection of myself appeared.

"Medea-sama," the reflection spoke.

"I see. So we can also communicate using windows. No—anything that can cause a reflection should work."

I see.

At that moment, an imaginary lightbulb appeared on top of my head. It's one of those times when a brilliant idea forces its way into your mind.

"Suzune, I have a plan."

After laying the foundation of the idea and making sure it was executable, I told Suzune the specifics.

"Ike and Yamauchi are our primary targets. Sudou can be handled later as he would most likely refuse our deal for his club practice. Chabashira can act as our witness and arbiter as she represents a school official. Of course, our most powerful weapon—you.

I pointed at Suzune.

"It's extraordinarily simple. As Ike and Yamauchi pick up their cards and show them to Chabashira, you identify which cards were chosen and communicate them with me."

"Isn't that a bit too reckless? What if I somehow don't see the cards?"

"Good question. Then, we just have to modify the rules and setting accordingly," I paused. "There are many ways for us to make this fool-proof. First, the windows. As long as it reflects my appearance, you can see me and their cards. We will just have to make them sit at our preferred arrangement, and our first base will be complete.

"Second, their eyes. You told me that you were able to witness me fight your brother through his own eyes and Ayanokouji's. Even if Ike and Yamauchi carefully look at their cards like bringing them close to their chest, as long as I am in their field of vision, you can see it."

"Then, what if—"

I cut her off, "What if they refuse to even look at the cards at all? That brings us to the third, forcing them to show their cards to an object that can reflect my image."

Suzune crosses her arms, "Do you mean a camera?"

"Precisely. Technology is fantastic, is it not? We can ask Chabashira to record the whole thing under the premise of ensuring that no cheating takes place."

Suzune looked doubtful and scratched her chin, "What if they refuse to have the match recorded?"

"I will mention beforehand that I will be wearing a blindfold throughout the whole game. That would at least divert their focus away from the important things. On top of that, we can argue that Ike and Yamauchi could cheat without me knowing because a camera was not present. And, if all things fail, we can target Sudou first with a different plan and come back to Ike and Yamauchi when they are more vulnerable."

I flashed a grin, "The only thing we can lose here is time. Albeit valuable, forcing situations where we are at a disadvantage would hurt us much more."

Silence embraced the room for a moment. Suzune appeared to be deliberating one last thing.

She spoke, "Do you trust me enough to execute this plan?"

"Trust you? Of course I do," I answered. "However, that is not where my confidence lies. If you were to make a mistake, you would be the one to suffer. You would be the one to lose her ticket to Class A. You would be the one to face the consequences of the deal. At the same time, you are the only one who can pull this off, and I trust you and your conviction to see it through."

I continued, "Suzune, are you willing to go through with this plan? Whatever your decision is, you have to say it now."

I knew her choice even before she answered. Her eyes and posture—they screamed determination. Despite all the risks, she perseveres to move forward.

These are the characteristics of a warrior.

Suzune spoke with fierce eyes, "Let's do it."

"Indeed we shall. But before we execute this plan, I will try to hold a meeting with your brother, the Student Council President."

Suddenly, Suzune jumped and acted all confused.

"Huh? Why do we have to do that?"

"I am not limiting my arsenal to hoping that Ike and Yamauchi study well, even if I force them to. If there is still a chance of expulsion, I must eliminate it."

"But why do we have to talk to my brother? Didn't you just...beat him up?"

"That is why this is a perfect time. I will let you know the details tomorrow morning. First, I have to sleep."

"Huh? Wait, please answer!"

"Good night, Suzune."

After lying down on her bed, I covered myself with a blanket, denying all reflections of my appearance and blocking Suzune out of my brain.

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