Chapter One

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Chapter One

Urgent newsletter:

The Princess has been found. The exact time she was located is still unknown to the people.. The kingdom is already doing everything they can to navigate our monarch to a secure location within the kingdom of Islarvaen. She is the destined savior, or is she? She has been lost to the kingdom all these years, is she up to the task?

Tuesday March 20th 2018

Dear diary, today really was one of those days!! I woke up and the apartment was freezing, which was a normal occasion since our air conditioner unit was one of those set by the building manager, it was actually so cold I was shivering. It also did not help that currently it was the rainy season in Razalia Raven Cove.

I wrapped myself up in a cozy blanket and scuttled to the kitchen where I clicked start on my automatic machine coffee maker while I waited on my coffee to brew. I rushed trying to make my lunch, I peered up at the microwave clock and crud the power must have gone out. I ran around the apartment for the next 30 minutes trying to find my clothes while still holding my coffee cup in my hand. 

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now